Mundane News

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Lovely luncheon of a roast beef sandwich, plus a tangerine, some strawberries and two :cuppa:

Dashed out to drop off the parental's prescription as she forgot to tell me it was due. And what with all the fannying around in the dispensary the last few times, at least it's gone in a day early. I'll have to take mum next week to pick it up, as she's far better at doing the whole puppy dog eyes thing than I am. Plus I don't fancy getting my head bitten off again - I prefer my parts and pieces to remain intact.

Shopping all cleared up and put away - bar the ingredients for tonight's supper. We're going all retro here this evening! I still haven't got the space in the freezer to really furkle in there, but I've spotted a pack of lamb loin, and that will be the next item I take out of there. I think I will probably bake it under a herb crust.

Anyways, I think it is time for a :cuppa: and a biskit.
I think the aches in my legs must be some kind of a virus. The aches have moved around my body today and my right leg isn't playing up so much. I have been very sleepy these past few days and I've been having a few naps. Last night I couldn't place my leg anywhere which wasn't painful whilst sitting down .


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out a sunny afternoon after a gloomy start this morning.
Car back and the problem is a dodgy resistor in whatever controls the electric cooling fan so that it turns on at random even when not needed. New one ordered and if I take the car down when they open at 0800 on Monday it will be changed assuming it has arrived by Friday.
It needs to be fitted early as I am booked on a boat about midday. Even if it does not arrive I am assured it is safe to go off tho’ not planning high mileage and the main part of the trip is to get the trike back and get some decent use of it. There is far more scope for triking on the mainland than on Mull currently where I am confined to one route due to volume of traffic nearly everywhere and even bits of that are getting dodgy due to a diversion.
The main back route into the top of the town has been closed off but so far nobody seems to know the reason and nothing is visible. This means either braving Main St or taking a lengthy diversion which is narrow and winding. You need to be able to judge the width of your vehicle to within an inch either side but sadly few touroid can even get near that and a couple of feet on either side is too narrow for them.


Meet our new car



Itching to get back on my bike's
Evening cuppa and spring watch what could be better


Largely dry and sunny day. Afternoon begun with a trek to the A61 for work colleague to pick me up for a meeting at Ripon.
Blagged a closer drop off on the return so just short steep walk back to WAH.
Once finished WAH an immediate Aldi trek just in case their was an orange shortage needing use of the car post dinner but bags of 5 oranges were present in a limited number. Returned via a slightly muddy bridleway and then refilled the now empty suet ball feeder with chopped up mealworm block.


There's a small Morrisons shop nearby. They have a trolley adjacent to the checkout with the stuff that is on short date and reduced in price. Waiting to pay for my loaf I glanced down and saw they had 250ml cans of Tanqueray Gin and Tonic on offer. It has a " Best Before " date of June. Price £1.00 😮. There's now a case of a dozen sitting in my fridge. The lady on the checkout was surprised that I purchased so many and told me " We've got a load more that have a " best before " of July, they'll be on offer in the next week or two " 😎
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