Mundane News

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Busy old morning early morning call into town. Then back in time for the charity shop collecting loads of stuff from a number of clear outs.
Only to find they called Mrs 73 early so it was gone when I got back. Just need to wait now till we get a call to pick up our new car. Hopefully it will be early afternoon.
It's currently a nice sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, and surprisingly warm, but there are showers lurking.

Did not sleep well (weird dreams), but had a lovely morning walking local trails with a friend and her dogs. We managed to escape the rain after that first initial shower, and it was lovely to be out. I stopped off at the book exchange thingy in the village on the way home, and picked up a lovely Gary Rhodes cook book and two novels that I think the parental unit will enjoy. I will probably read those too.

I have to finish clearing up the shopping this afternoon, shove things in the freezer etc, and put all the pastries in tupperwares and the like. Plus I need to move four large sacks of compost out of the car and into the garage. My four salad tomato plants are now big enough to go into the planters, while the two cherry and two beefsteak plants still need another week or so. They are all starting to flower however...

That's good, because the Bimble Boos love the flowers.

It is almost time for luncheon.
In the Night Garden linkie

View attachment 732289

Probably the most Off the Wall children's programme out there..
Daughter, then granddaughter, loved watching it... 😎

Hell, *I* still love watching it, even if some of the perspectives mess with my head... :becool:

Makka Pakka, Iggle Piggle, the Tomliboos and Upsy Daisy...
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