Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Got a new window handle. :hyper:
Don't break this one!
Good morning.

Rain at Ipswich, rain at Peterborough, dry at Nottingham - until returning from the Rescue Rooms to the hotel when it was 🌧️🌧️🌧️ it down. Don't think I've done the trip so fast, but a very good night out.

Similar here. Gangs of clouds are wandering about the Black Forest, terrorising the locals with deluges. I was on the train a couple of days ago, and the weather went from sun to torrential rain to sunshine.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nothing "public spirited" about forcing another road user off the road.

He was not forced off the road but into a passing place where he should have gone without persuasion.
Have you been forced to drive in second gear for miles because some selfish person has blocked the road?


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
In the Night Garden linkie


Probably the most Off the Wall children's programme out there..
Daughter, then granddaughter, loved watching it... 😎


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Misty morning so far but sun may appear later.
Just watched a gigantic cruise liner appear in the bay. According to some it carries twice the population of the town and chaos is forecast. Many of us are effectively barred for doing anything in our own community due to the crowds.

My car has vanished to be checked on the garage computer after a strange glitch yesterday when I had to go up to the surgery.
I hope a motorhome does not fill my space before they return it as happened yesterday to a couple of neighbours.
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