Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Boyracers are noisily circulating and converting dinosaur juice into noise and nuisance.


Legendary Member
This afternoon turned out to be quite warm & sunny so my quick trip out for a loaf of bread turned out to be a bit more than expected


Either I missed out on a good yellow sticker bargain at the Co-Op, or the chap I queued behind at the self service till really liked KitKats as he had a stack of about a dozen that he was scanning through.
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Itching to get back on my bike's
It's actually quite mild outside
A bit of mist but it's dry
It is grey out but dry.
It was a busy day yesterday. We had to be out of the house early to catch a coach for our trip to Brooklands for the Mercedes World trip. When we arrived we decided to go to Brooklands first. I think we were there for over 4 hours because we were enjoying it . We finally went to the Mercedes bit for the last hour to look at their racing cars. We got back home at 6.30 after a long day out .
Whilst stopped at Membury services we saw what might develop into electric car wars in the future! There were 8 cars waiting charging in a bay using all of the chargers. 3 other cars came along to try to charge but discovered they were all occupied. One car stopped to the side whilst the other 2 drove off. I don't know if it was one of the cars which had driven off but one car pulled into the charging area ahead of the waiting one and managed to pinch a spot just as one was leaving!
They need to make some sort of a queuing system otherwise fisticuffs might start.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Contrast in weather from yesterday. Today gales, pouring rain and viz is about half a mile.
Not a day day for going out anywhere.
Strange experience yesterday when out. Passed a woman on a bike on what is called the Gruline Free a long straight but with humps which inhibits speeding as you would probably become airborne quite soon. She seemed nervous and stopped in passing places well in advance of any vehicles. Possibly local resident travelling from Salen to the Ulva area.
Stranger was the man who cycled towards me on the Loch na Keal road. I raised a hand in greeting as normal and he sailed past without even a glance. I assumed initially he was a tourist but on reflection more likely a Settler.
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