Mundane News

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Bluetooth on a mobile will work without a SIM card.
You could treat it as a metal detector. You use the Bluetooth only when you need to. The next time your keys decide to play hide and seek maybe?

The Tile app seems to think Bluetooth should be on all the time. I do not which meant the keys l misplaced in the garden wheelie bin this week were according to it some distance away initially, having obviously been picked up someone else's mobile while I was cycling to Sainsbury's. Took it a while to then decide they were far closer but as the review notes they are not wholly precise in their GPS locating (others may be better). It was indicating they were at the back of house behind my neighbour which did initially make me wonder if a Magpie had picked them up and dropped them but then wandering around outside I suddenly got a strong signal from them and then even stronger one. The audio from them was limited to short burst rather than a continuous sound which otherwise would have helped locate them quicker, since resolved by fitting a new CR2032 battery.
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Looks like its brightened up think a walk is order before it changers it's mind and rains again.
What ever happens Charlies made clear he's not moving out of bed. So it looks like it's just me off out for a walk.
A very mild and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard after some light rain early doors.

Did not sleep well. This bout of insomnia is beginning to get rather wearing. Anyways, I had a lovely morning walking around the local playing fields and some trails with a friend and her two dogs. Things are slowly beginning to get less squelchy, although you still need waders to get round Myles' Meadow. Given that I'd be in knee deeper than everyone else, I'm waiting till it dries out. We may be a while.

Plan on having a quiet afternoon working on my archive. Found a bunch of photos that I'd put aside for editing but then totally forgot I actually had. This is exactly why I need to catalogue these photos. Now I know that I have a good memory, but I really need to face up to the fact that things got out of hand a long time ago.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and I has a hungry.


Leg End Member
A search for "medical" on easylive brought this up in the results!


All at sea⛵
Garage door automatic bit isn't. Remote control did work now doesn't
Things must be bad, I'm reading the instructions. Programming your garage opener.

News with profanities to follow.

No real progress.
Have 4 remote controls in my possession.
Started seeing if there was any difference in performance from each one.
There is one held together with gaffer tape and might have a dodgy battery.
Working through the remotes to see if there was a common fault or something.
Done half with no obvious consistent fault. All very hormonal and unpredictable.
Then we had a power cut, with the door open. Went on a bit, so I got on my bike for a wander.
Electricity is back but I'm knocking out supper for 16. I got volunteered in my absence.

Weiterer information könnte folgen.

Its a German door and it might be homesick.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Thank you everyone for the lovely birthday wishes xxx :hugs:

It's a grey day here chez Casa Reynard, and blustery, but that's all I can tell you as I haven't actually been outside yet. I will need to later, to go and get some firewood. I did not sleep well - the old "too hot, too cold" jobby, and spent the bulk of the night near enough awake. So I plan on having a nice quiet day doing Not A Lot.

I do not need to cook today as there are delectable things in the fridge, and then there's that box of Portuguese custard tarts that I bought yesterday.

There are three cards and two packages to open later. One of the packages is from a dear friend's two dogs. One of whom actually shares a birthday with me. I shall be seeing them tomorrow, and have bought them a big jumbone each. :wub:

Right now though, it is time for luncheon, and SOMEONE wants their chicken.

It was a toss up between custard tarts & strawberry & cream yumyums, the latter won.
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