Mundane News

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Lovely luncheon of a chicken sandwich, an apple, a pear, some watermelon and two :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon cataloguing photos.

Now sat down with a :cuppa: and a chocolate biskit. Will turn the TV on to watch the early evening news in about 5 mins.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lovely sunny day with light wind so decided to take the trike down to Loch na Keal.
Bad timing meant the traffic coming up the road was manic. I had to reverse twice for pests who overrun passing places but cannot or will not reverse a couple of yards.
This just a taster of what we have to put up with all summer.
The L na K road was not too bad but lots of parked cars.
One striking thing is lack of birdlife. This shoreline used to be packed with birds but today I saw one heron, one curlew and a pair of oyster catchers with occasional herring gulls.

I can never understand townies. A large camper van was parked beside me when I returned to the car with just over one car width space between us. As I was loading up again a car appeared and after some thought filled that space even tho’ there was plenty of space around and no other vehicles. :wacko:


Legendary Member
Last day of work this week as I have tomorrow and Friday off. :dance:

Still nothing from my solicitor. I have a zoom meeting with a few of the other residents here at 7 to discuss what we do about the lack of insurance.

I assembled a bicycle storage tent thing in my back yard so I will have somewhere to keep my mountain bike under cover that doesn't involve blocking up my hall and having to carry it up and down stairs as I intend to use it more in the longer evenings. Not very secure but this isn't a high crime area, the yard is locked even, I will chain the bike to the fence post and early hi-ten steel mountain bikes aren't very likely to be stolen in the first place.

I hope to get a ride in tomorrow but the forecast looks horrible.
jealous. 3 more long hours for me

meanwhile, the last 2 hours were unpleasant. 45 minutes to go!
Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.

happy b-day btw, I heard a rumor!
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