Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa went down well
Washing machine using the solar panel power 😀


Legendary Member
I've been out for a walk and it's very blustery. I thought it would be mild but it was actually a bit cold and I could have done with an extra layer.

It's giving it to stop raining in the afternoon so I will aim to get a ride in then.

My bike tent is still standing anyway. I tried to use the steel hoops that came with it but they're no use as the ground is too loose and they take no grip. I took a few 6" blocks from the pile the builder never took away and set them on the bottom of the frame to make sure it do blow away. It's surrounded by a 6' high fence anyway so it shouldn't get damaged by wind.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where, after a dull and uninspiring start to the day, it's brightening up quite nicely.

Text message from the bank this morning (genuine) informing me that my account was overdrawn - it looks like the magazine subscription that I took out for my brother in law's Chr***mas present in December has been renewed 9 months early. Funds have been transferred to put the account back into the black and an email fired off asking for a refund a.s.a.p.


Walked down to Lidl from the hospital. Nothing tempted me in the cycling offers. They did have tea bags but still no fine cut marmalade. Decided to walk home and no sooner than I had crossed over the A59 away from a useful bus stop but the light rain returned. Then at the furthest point from a bus route it turned briefly a touch heavier. Got an email to say the teak oil I had ordered to collect from Toolstation had arrived so called in there. 7 miles and the Strava random number alleged step counter says 584 :banghead:

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I don't have a Tim Tam. Or a Cherry Ripe!

Tim Tam won the Kentucky Derby in the 1950's. We have Tim Tams here, but no Cherry Ripe. Insta-Cart says they can be here by noon.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain eased a bit mid afternoon but back again. Not been outside all day and too much time spent on computer.
Since I now qualify for patient transport it seems pointless to continue the fight so stopped the complaint tho’ what we do get is pretty useless in that you only have a very restricted time for an appointment due to drivers time and the distance involved. The distance involved is also added to by stops at a variety of Glasgow and one Paisley hospital. Tourist traffic in summer and weather in winter makes travel time a bit of a lottery.
I used to reckon on one hour and 45 minutes Oban to Balloch unless lots of tourists which extended the time a bit.
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