Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Look like a nice sunny day with light wind so must get out on the trike.
Where to go is the next problem.
Loch na Keal would be good but I cannot be bothered driving so far. Glengorm appeals for nice open views but not far available to cycle and road may be busy.
Ardmore down a forest road perhaps. Just need to wait until I am ready to go then decide.

FB is being difficult and the advert for the garden cultivator is still pending awaiting mod approval. Cannot see any reason.

Weird dreams last night which is not uncommon. I seem to inhabit a different world every night which bears no relation to reality but does sometimes involve people I know or have known in the past. Last night seemed to be all people I have never seen before. :eek:


Feeling good so going to volunteer at the foodbank.Dizzy spells continue so going to take things easy.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a dull, overcast & drizzly Suffolk. Having looked at the weather forecast, I suspect those words - along with breezy and cool - may be used a lot over the next few days. Today looks to be a good day for domestics once I've had a second coffee, with about the only other thing needed to do is to pop out for a loaf of bread later.


Leg End Member
He didn't have a metal detector, did he.
No, but we did have some lifting magnets. Used for lifting sheet steel. But he never thought to use them.
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