Mundane News

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Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast with chicken liver pate, plus an apple, a pear, some watermelon and two :cuppa:

Scanned & printed a lace pattern for the parental, and then went furkling in the utility room for some suitable thread. Spent the rest of the afternoon cataloguing a load of Paul Warwick photos.

Equally fabby supper of turkey, a jacket potato, the last of the braised red cabbage, and gravy made from the turkey cooking juices that had turned to jelly in the bottom of the pyrex dish I cooked the meat in. And then a warm Min Spy and cream for afters.

The parental's card included some spendables (I shall be pre-ordering the Derek Warwick book with some of that), the package from Tristan & Izzy was a pair of very snazzy "Simon's Cat" bookmarks, and the package from my bookseller friend consisted of a motor racing themed mug, a book and a large bar of salted caramel chocolate.


Leg End Member
You're the hider?
Me! Hide some keys!

Had I done it he'd still be looking...


Looks like a damp old day is on the cards.

Good. We need a drop of rain. Everything is so parched.......

.....I mean, the puddle by the gate in the field is now only 12 inches deep. I can wade through it without it coming over my wellies.
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