Mundane News

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Thank you everyone for the lovely birthday wishes xxx :hugs:

It's a grey day here chez Casa Reynard, and blustery, but that's all I can tell you as I haven't actually been outside yet. I will need to later, to go and get some firewood. I did not sleep well - the old "too hot, too cold" jobby, and spent the bulk of the night near enough awake. So I plan on having a nice quiet day doing Not A Lot.

I do not need to cook today as there are delectable things in the fridge, and then there's that box of Portuguese custard tarts that I bought yesterday.

There are three cards and two packages to open later. One of the packages is from a dear friend's two dogs. One of whom actually shares a birthday with me. I shall be seeing them tomorrow, and have bought them a big jumbone each. :wub:

Right now though, it is time for luncheon, and SOMEONE wants their chicken.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
my mother used to make wonderful chicken broth when i was a kid. We called it gruel and we always wanted more. I occasionally make chicken broth but it's never as good as i remember mother's being... and today I shall be taking my broth to mother for supper... and I'm ever so slightly nervous about it.

edit. Happy birthday @Reynard :smile:


Co-Op 50p off cereal voucher not working as usual. Got it knocked off at the till but trying to explain to Co-Ops help team that is not so easy; cannot seem to get it's the constantly non working voucher that I have raised yet again.
Intention to teak out outdoor items needing such was scuppered by finding the shed absent of any teak oil. Um...Toolstation a lot cheaper than Screwfix/B&Q but none in stock locally. Maybe some in Asda, cheaper than Toolstation ? Ebike had another outing to no avail. Still a noticeable wind that was visibly keeping the distant wind turbines at Knabbs Ridge occupied.
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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Happy birthday @Reynard & @raleighnut

Having been at a university exam board earlier as an external - run well, but differently - I've dashed to Lincoln to see son no. 1 this evening as he's just over a week into his graduate engineering job. I'm treating him to pizza later.

Currently I'm sat in a café trying to explain via e-mail to a student that a) getting a grade of 10% does NOT mean they've passed, b) they missed all of the feedback and re-sit support sessions and c) who are they since I've never seen them in class. I appear to be failing to communicate in all three ...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out a much better day than forecast so got a bit of tidying done up the top garden which is not visible to the passing public. I should really have been at the bottom bit nearest the street which is not very scenic just now.
Brambles are a terrible problem and I cut a lot back as I do not want a bramble patch.
Sat in the sun in the shelter from the wind and a few bumble bees came exploring. One got unnoticed into the shed and I heard a buzzing noise like a distant strimmer or chainsaw. Fortunately I recognised the sound as a bumble bee getting entangled in spiders webs at the inside of the window. I keep a plastic tumbler and a bit of card handy and got it just in time before a gigantic spider got there. Tumbler over the bee and slide the card in to contain it till outside and release when it buzzed off indignantly.
Turned out a much better day than forecast so got a bit of tidying done up the top garden which is not visible to the passing public. I should really have been at the bottom bit nearest the street which is not very scenic just now.
Brambles are a terrible problem and I cut a lot back as I do not want a bramble patch.
Sat in the sun in the shelter from the wind and a few bumble bees came exploring. One got unnoticed into the shed and I heard a buzzing noise like a distant strimmer or chainsaw. Fortunately I recognised the sound as a bumble bee getting entangled in spiders webs at the inside of the window. I keep a plastic tumbler and a bit of card handy and got it just in time before a gigantic spider got there. Tumbler over the bee and slide the card in to contain it till outside and release when it buzzed off indignantly.

I remember at school being told that Bees communicate by 'dancing' to show where to go. I wonder what the dance for "For §$&/'s sake's don't go in that shed at the bottom of the garden" looks like?


Legendary Member
Happy birthday to Reynard and Raleighnut. Many happy returns.

I cycled a lot over the weekend by my recent standards and I had to drive to Portrush to pick something up so made a day of it with a long coastal walk. I was then back in time for my dance class. I feel tired today now.

After work I washed, cleaned and lubricated my Raleigh Pioneer after it's winter duties. I always leave my bucket and sponge out on the balcony out of the way and realised the so-called builder managed to crack that too!

I think the chain could do with replacement in the not too distant future. I keep threatening to convert it from single speed to three speed to leave it more usable around here but I've always loved the simplicity of a single speed bike.

Still nothing back from the solicitor regarding the issues with the flat.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I've also had a email telling me I've won a Stanley Quencher if I click on a link but I've no idea who Stanley Quencher is. Did he invent the screwdriver?

The Stanley Quencher is the latest in a long series of ever-more complicated vacuum flask-cum-water bottles that have graced my daughter's worktop. Thing is though, they don't quench - you have to add your own liquid.
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