Mundane News

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Started decorating the spare room today....quite bright outside and I kinda wished (and suggested) we might take the dog to Hunstanton( suggestion rebuffed)...ah well, decorating it is then.
One of those 'keep moving everything to one side' jobs, because clearing the room just creates a mountain of stuff in another room.
Ceiling, gloss work and emulsioned the walls.

Should have spent more time sugar soaping everything, it's been a long time since it was decorated and the paint didn't really want to go on particually well, like the surface was contaminated with something. But 90 % done...just a few touch ups tomorrow and the new carpet next week.
Time for a :cuppa: and MOTD. I see that the Spuds lost.
Morning .
It is grey out and it looks like it has been tipping down as there are large puddles everywhere. It is raining at the moment.
I did some work on the Falcon's wheels yesterday. The bearings and cones were in good shape just dried oil causing the stiffness. The rims are steel , chrome plated, one is better than the other. One looks like it has been replaced as it is a German make the other being a Rigida which could be an original. I cleaned up the rims and then set about cleaning one of the large flange hubs . I gave up then as I was getting cold .


Legendary Member
Good morning from a very dull & overcast Suffolk. It hasn't started raining yet, but the radar shows it not to be far off which a very wet drive to Silverstone. I'd like to think it will have cleared through there by 10:30ish when racing starts, but with my luck probably not.

Coffee & breakfast have just been finished so all I've got to do is make a flask of coffee, pack up a small lunch bag and head off just before 8am via the local fuel station.


Legendary Member
Another dreich morning.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Light rain showers so no triking today but may manage a walk.
Need to get outside anyway as I cannot bear being inside all the time even tho' there are things I need to attend to indoors.
My back junk room has got somewhat out of control and needs to get sorted. There was a pile to go to the charity shop but that needs to be added to and some things out to the bin as well.
When I came home the other day a lot of empty bags and boxes were just chucked in and yesterday I had to shift stuff to get at something I needed right at the back which upset a couple of boxes waiting on attention. Not good.

The small ferry Lochaline /Fishnish has got smaller due to the main one being away after having unspecified problems.
This means take a flask if going that way as you may have a long wait and in addition it waited for delayed traffic which upset the timetable.
Not the same boat but one year birds [chaffinch I seem to remember] built a nest in an open bow compartment. They travelled back and forth with the ferry and raised a family successfully. The crew kept that area clear and probably fed the birds as well.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
So that's why Morrisons was a touch devestated in places. Only went really for a couple of corn beef hash's but sold out. Think that is the only non free from labelled ready meal they sell that is wheat and/or barley free. Still the ebike got an outing for the first time this month and had nearly 1/5th mile of freshly resurfaced road in each direction. Pity about most of the remainder of the 9 miles. Outbound along the Starbeck branch was slow, stuck behind another cyclist constantly looking at their phone and was half expecting then to over weave and end up in the adjacent Star Beck.

Stock up early around St. Patrick's Day on the corned beef hash.


Mornings heavy rain has finally past over and sun has broken though. Still cold but dry best get no with the afternoon dog walk just in case it comes back. Plus i've a few things to do before Mrs73 get back she coming home early. As the outlaws have gone on walk with the club. As she's on her own this morning so has no need to hang around.
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