Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I did a triathlon today!!

Well, sort of.. 😂


On the way home this morning I went past some local allotments. I wondered if I will ever hear anything about my application for one. Only to get home and find among the letters one for the council about my application. Turns out they came back under council control 2 years ago. Only now are they conducting a review of the waiting list. The letter asks for confirmation of my details and if I still want one. Unless the details match they will take me off the list, As it's 4 years ago i'm not sure which ones I put on the form.
They handed them over to a local environmental charity in the first place as they could not manage them. It's still the same dept and management as last time dont think it's going end well.
It's a grey and slightly chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not sleep terribly well. OK, I slept, but was constantly on the verge of being awake. Have watched some football and some rugby and have sorted out all the ingredients for tonight's supper.

Had a lovely luncheon of a gammon & mustard sandwich, an orange, a banana and two :cuppa:

Am about to go and do some kitchen stuff, but first, I need a trip to the little girls' room so's I can make some space for some more tea.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
My day was..
Up @ 02:50. Drive to the Snake Pass in the Peak District for a 5¼ mile walk to the B29 crash sit, followed by 10 miles in the Brommie around Derwent Water & Ladybower Reservoirs, thence to Hathersage for a swim in the Open Air pool. Chilly out but the water was 23°c

Back home by 14:30. Most enjoyable ..
Kitchen stuff mostly done. Just need to butterfly out my meat joint, fill it with stuffing and then tie it all back together before shoving it into the oven in a bit.

Cooking a poncy dinner this evening to cover both Mother's day and my upcoming Cake Day.

Now sat down with a nice :cuppa:


Legendary Member
I rode my Viscount Aerospace today for the first time since before my accident 2.5 years ago. I did about 20 miles and got drenched in the process.

The cycle computer is still working but faint. It must need a battery. It was still displaying the 86.7 miles from the last time I rode it. I wish I was fit enough to do a ride like that now!


Leg End Member
I rode my Viscount Aerospace today for the first time since before my accident 2.5 years ago. I did about 20 miles and got drenched in the process.

The cycle computer is still working but faint. It must need a battery. It was still displaying the 86.7 miles from the last time I rode it. I wish I was fit enough to do a ride like that now!
You'll be doing that distance again before long.


Legendary Member
Turned out to be quite a chilly afternoon when the cloud cover came in and the wind picked up which reminded me to find the gloves and wooly hat ready for tomorrow at Silverstone. Must remember to have an early night and not stay up watching the IMSA race from Sebring until the early hours (just under 4 hrs, 30 minutes to go)
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