Mundane News

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Weather has gone dark again.


Turned out a lovely sunny day but the wind seems very cold to me tho’ I saw some sitting out on their front steps who did not seem to be cold.
Went for a walk after lunch but I need to vary this as too much is shaded by trees. Should really have taken the trike out but feeling lazy and fell asleep after coming home.
Our Practice Nurse is a nice wee lassie but when I told her about my hospital transport problems her eyes lit up with enthusiasm to have a go at them. Apparently she has had several barneys with them recently and got positive results.
If DIL fails to get the problem sorted by next week then Debbie can have a go at them. In addition of course I have enlisted politicians so there will probably be a black mark against my name in future. :boxing:
Mrs 73 use to book transport for her patients as they kept changing the rules and they had no chance. They settled on min 7 days notice one time she phoned them 8 days before. To be told she'd need to phone back the next day as the was a day early. :wacko:
PTS has generally got a bit hit and miss in most areas. A mix of demand out stripping supply, 100% contracted out or a mix of NHS with contract work. Our ambo service had a great company that only did PTS they covered late safe to home dischargers till 8PM. Mrs 73 never had a issue with them professional all the way. They got the push now its a right old mess problem is so many cowboys are in the ambo game.


Legendary Member
Home from Nottingham this afternoon, overnight bag unpacked and re-stocked with fresh smalls and a couple of bags of crisps ready for Monday's trip to Brighton. Washing from Thursday morning folded & put away, bedding from Thursday's change put into the machine and set in motion. Then out on the bike into town to get something to eat.

I've now purchased a ticket for Silverstone on Sunday which means another shopping trip on Saturday morning to get the food for Sunday & Monday. I'm sure I'll get to put my feet up for a couple of days soon!


Itching to get back on my bike's
No evening cuppa tonight as not really sure i wanted one
Looking forward to some early morning miles
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