Mundane News

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postie got his i don't believe it head on.Sat here in front room playing on this.Workmans van pulls up and parks in my garden.The spare bit where we have our allotment type thing.then he walks off two doors down.Off i goes knock new neighbour comes to the door.the workman has just parked on my land,had he asked he would have been ok.He did not ask move it please.He has,i guess new neighbours will not speak to me now,who cares.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa went down well


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I'm doing the final drop-in session for feedback and assignment support, although this one's online. Currently, with 27 minutes to go, I've had three of the four who booked attend (one cancelled) and five attend who haven't booked.

It's nice that my final conversation's been with one of my strongest students in years. They don't need to re-sit but wanted to understand how they improve further.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Over the years the magpie numbers have increased around here locally and we quite often see flocks of 8+ .

I need another trip to Mull for the wildlife

Sea Eagles have eaten a lot of it.
Not connected to Eagles but there are no foxes, squirrels or badgers and very few rabbits left.
When we had a bird feeding station we had a lot of small birds and a few passing ones well out from their normal areas.
A dead fox once was found by the roadside but it was probably killed on the mainland and left where my wildlife pal would find it as he was Head Ranger.:whistle:
Whilst on holiday we bought a bottle of pinot noir a Chilean bottle with a bicycle moulded into the glass . That was the only good thing about it as it tasted like vinegar!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out a lovely sunny day but the wind seems very cold to me tho’ I saw some sitting out on their front steps who did not seem to be cold.
Went for a walk after lunch but I need to vary this as too much is shaded by trees. Should really have taken the trike out but feeling lazy and fell asleep after coming home.
Our Practice Nurse is a nice wee lassie but when I told her about my hospital transport problems her eyes lit up with enthusiasm to have a go at them. Apparently she has had several barneys with them recently and got positive results.
If DIL fails to get the problem sorted by next week then Debbie can have a go at them. In addition of course I have enlisted politicians so there will probably be a black mark against my name in future. :boxing:


Legendary Member
Turned out a lovely, if slightly cold even. My half-day today. Got a 25 miler in, my first in a few weeks for various reasons.

Given the weather and now increased daylight, I felt like extending it but I have a theatre ticket for tonight. I needed time to get scrubbed up, fed and watered.
It's been a mild and blustery day here chez Casa Reynard, with a mix of sunshine and showers.

Slept well. No useable internet this morning due to the wind blowing from the south and making the wire on the pole twang about. When it does that, my connection does the hokey cokey. So I had a quiet morning catching up on some stuff that got abandoned in order to do the drawings catalogue and database.

Also furkled in the freezer for a turkey breast and some sausage meat. Had to play Tetris to get stuff BACK into the freezer as I was struggling to get the door shut. You'd think I haven't taken out three large items from there in the past week. Whoops!

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with pepperoni, one with a fruited white stilton, plus a banana, a very fine Navel Late orange (a variety I'd highly recommend if you can find it in the shops), and two :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon working on my own archive, cataloguing the photos that are in my collection. Am tackling the final section - which is also the biggest. I think I have around 200 images from 1991 to deal with here, although if I'm perfectly honest, I'm not entirely sure exactly how many there actually are. Do have a few real rarities here, including images from the accident (bloody horrific) and the funeral (absolutely heart wrenching).

Now chilling out with a :cuppa: and a biskit.
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