Mundane News

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All at sea⛵
My alarm is set for 02:50 😔

Be safe, and quiet.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
After Monday's student feedback session I had another scheduled for this afternoon, which was more popular. This time six of the seven booked students arrived plus six extras who hadn't booked a slot. All done ... just, then an evening lecture delivery.

Tomorrow's the final slot, with four booked in.

Oh, and SWMBO wants a holiday but can only get away for an afternoon and a morning over Easter. So ... we're going to York, which is just 30 miles away. I tried pointing out that we (son no. 2 and myself) go there for an evening's racing and come back but I got told off :boxing:. So she can pay for the suite at the expensive hotel, the expensive restaurant and the chocolate making workshop I booked for both of us :secret:.


Oooo, now that sounds like fun!

I once went on a chocolate making evening course at college we covered most aspects of chocolate work.
We once ended up with way too many Cointreau truffles so that was a bumper week of goodies that came home. The rest went down to the onsite training restaurant for them to use. We even managed to fit in making and using moulding chocolate and a bit of of pastillage work. Looking back the tutor did really well packing in so much in them 8 weeks. I really enjoyed it i'd do one again but sadly they don't run it anymore.
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