Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
In other news, it's gone now but for a couple of hours there was a misty sliver of crescent moon hanging in the WNW sky. This means that the skies almost cleared once the sun had set. This is a development indeed.


Dry and very mild morning got a bit over heated on the dog walk. Off out for early trip to town later a bit hard to judge.
Rain is around and if it's like yesterday when you get caught out light weight jacket won't keep you dry.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Fabulous supper of Scottish black pudding*, mashed potatoes, spring greens tossed in the cooking juices from the gammon, and apple slices pan fried in butter with chilli & rosemary. :hungry:

Madam Lexi had Felix AGAIL with ham.

* much nicer than the Bury black pudding that I normally buy.

I trust it was the Stornoway Black Pudding made by cousins of my late wife. Seriously tho' they are the best.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Damp morning and likely to stay like that all day and looking ahead the forecast has rain every day for at least a week.
Typical West Highland weather really.
Strange yesterday driving home when it was dry for 10 miles until the village of Salen where it was pouring rain with large drops which needed full speed wipers to see through. Once past Salen rain went off and the road was dry the rest of the way home. They must be a bad lot there to annoy the Rain Gods so much.
Today will be mostly spent sorting out all the foodstuffs and unpacking which always seems to take ages even tho' I was only away from home for a few days.
Tired already so off for coffee.
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