Mundane News

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All at sea⛵
I'm trying to type a report in German, which is always a bit of a challenge. I speak German fairly fluently, though not perfectly, but it tends to be colloquial because of the environment where I learned it so I have to think hard when writing for government agencies and such. My Supervisor, bless her, corrects the reports before sending them, but we are both keen for me to be able to do as much of the process as possible.

Yes, went there on my journey too.

I refined my German in the plant. When the company needed me to polish it I got sent to school.
My tutor, mentor, instructor a proud lady from the north would put on her shockedest face when I used some phrase I'd picked up in the deep south.
At first she'd say " Where did you learn that?
As time went on it morphed to "Sir! That is not an expression we expect to hear again!

Good luck and persevere. It frightens the natives when you speak the lingo.
If you can't see whether the sun is over the yard arm, you can't drink.

It’s always over the yard arm somewhere


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
It's called the ice house as it's always cold

I remember when a child visiting real ice houses which were for storing perishable produce over winter.
Blocks of ice were carried inside snd since thr place was well insulated they stayed frozen for a long time. These were on large estates with lots of labour available and large kitchens with full time cooks.


Legendary Member
Can't be too careful these days!

If your house is built by the same firm who built mine, waterproof curtains are probably a worthwhile precaution!


Legendary Member
I ended up having to work a bit later than planned and then walked to the hospital to visit Dad, just home now. I don't think his breathing was as good today but I know he had tests done today so maybe he's just tired. He is probably the least sick in the ward though. I can't imagine some of the others get an enjoyment out of life at all.

I didn't get time to ring the free legal advice people I can contact through my health insurance so must make it a priority tomorrow. No sign of any builders today but my guess is they'll do nothing more. You have to wonder who would do a job to such a pathetically low standard and be happy with it. I'd be embarrassed to admit I had put down cement and left it like that.

I feel tired now. Going to have an early night very soon I think.


Legendary Member
There were only three of us on the Velodrome taser this afternoon - the others were a gent of approximately my age who was a regular cyclist & fairly confident and his other half who was much more wary of the track. As a result after going through the basics and some supervision, myself & the other gent were essentially left to have fun on the track at our own pace with debriefs and pointers given when taking a breather, while the lady was given some one to one coaching & encouragement. This seemed to work for us all and we had a great time, but my legs are going to hate me on Tuesday morning thanks to the extra track time. With a few minutes to go I thought I had time to try for a couple of quick laps - I did, but just not the energy left to do it.
Never has a pint of Ghost Ship on the way back to the train station tasted so good!
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