Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Bin emptied and returned to its normal hiding place, paperwork posted, coffee quafed and a bowl of porridge had for breakfast/elevensies. One of the things I found in the spares cupboard tidied yesterday was a taster pot of white paint so the house numbers on my bins have been redone.

Off out for the day in about 40 minutes.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I seem to remember a program once explaining the hull design was a wrong meaning it had a weakness even before it set sail.
Having bulk heads only about 5ft high was never a great idea either. If only they'd followed Brunel's ship design principles it's no accident they still hold now.

There are some good videos on YouTube on that subject.
I'm trying to type a report in German, which is always a bit of a challenge. I speak German fairly fluently, though not perfectly, but it tends to be colloquial because of the environment where I learned it so I have to think hard when writing for government agencies and such. My Supervisor, bless her, corrects the reports before sending them, but we are both keen for me to be able to do as much of the process as possible.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Stayed dry all day do far and my head is cold after a haircut. Turkish barber opened up on the dot of nine o’clock and I was parked right outside his door.
Did some shopping and then out for a trike run up the Moss Road. Knackered.
Oldest grandson off into college in the family car. His younger brother who is still at school was a bit reluctant but accepted a lift.
How did they get old enough to have driving licenses? It seems just a short while ago they were infants.
Next thing when I get time is to get some passport photos as my Calmac concession card needs renewed soon and my Blue Badge needs renewed as well.
Further disasters on the ferry front as the Fishnish/ Lochaline boat has developed an unexplained vibration so out of service. I would guess something caught in the propellor. They have taken our Tobermory/ Ardnamurchan boat off to cover but this leaves passengers from there stranded.
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