Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
All this talk about poultry takes me back to a visit to Melton Mowbray Christmas cattle market.

Walking back to the car park we saw a lady with a turkey in a carrier bag with it’s head sticking out,was alive . I asked her what she intended to do with it Apparently they offered to kill it and pluck it .She told them I’m not paying for husband can do that Apparently she did this every Christmas

A farmer friend had lots of turkeys for christmas sales. He went round and delivered them to friends as presents. He was always in a rush and our door opened and Alec shouted in and threw a turkey in before running back to his car. The wings were still flapping even tho' it was dead. Fortunately my wife was not fazed by such things and got on with gutting and plucking.
Shortly after we got a panic phone call from another friend as the same thing had happened to them but they had no idea how to deal with it and we had to go round and demonstrate.
A bright and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, but with a biting cold breeze.

Slept OK-ish, but am sitting here feeling bloody awful thanks to Lady Issues. So have had a quiet morning, which included doing some paperwork and emptying the groceries from the car. I only put the fridgeable stuff away yesterday. I will have to cut some firewood later, because the big bin in the garage is empty, and I'll have to go and pick up the parental's prescription.

Madam Lexi is outside and has been for a good chunk of the morning. I suppose I'd better let her back in. We don't have a cat flap here, we have a concierge service.

The plan for this coming weekend is to do as little as possible.


All at sea⛵
Chicken news:

Babs caught a mouse this morning, and spent a long time thrashing it until it was the right size and shape to swallow whole. The tail hung out of her beak for a few minutes, but has gone now.

The little so-and-so's obviously have got together and agreed a rota. It's only three eggs again today. I am contemplating withholding their evening corn as punishment.

3 eggs from 4 hens every day is not bad.
Watch out in case one is spending longer in the laying spot, picking feathers from her breast or worse still her breast gets hotter.
If you get a broody one then it's action stations. The treatment, cure of broody hens is bru
It can become sort of contagious. Then any egg is a bonus.


3 eggs from 4 hens every day is not bad.
Watch out in case one is spending longer in the laying spot, picking feathers from her breast or worse still her breast gets hotter.
If you get a broody one then it's action stations. The treatment, cure of broody hens is bru
It can become sort of contagious. Then any egg is a bonus.

We had one last year. Three weeks of oddness.....


Leg End Member
That is interesting, we used to get ours from the hatchery or on the bus or train as hatchlings. I lived near a poultry warehouse, and the grown chickens would get shipped from there to their next incarnation, but sometimes a few would escape and wind up by the barber shop or in the neighborhood.
Working for chickenfeed?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry but very cold all day so far.
Attempted to clear a bit of a border which has become choked by grass but just turned it over with a garden fork before giving up for today. A struggle to get it clear but the next move will be with a spade and a hole left to plant a shrub in the space.
Serious gardening is beyond me now and the next thing I must do is get out the petrol cultivator and make sure it turns over and then get some petrol and get it started before advertising it for sale.
I might advertise some brand new bike spares I will never use as well as a B17 which I never got on with.
How on earth did I get so many drinking bottles? T hey can go to landfill I think.
Generally I cannot be bothered with advertising locally and expecting people to pick up any goods.
Beer makers might take the hydrometers and testing jar I have as being glass they cannot be posted safely.even with adequate packing.
I really need a car boot sale as there is a lot of stuff I will never use and it will end in landfill if I do not get rid of it myself.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
National road closure day



National road closure day

View attachment 723764

Spreading from the A59 on which Cote du Blubberhouses is closed until after Easter at the earliest. Wondering if the Gestapo who get employed to stop motorists taking the shortest detour will let me through on the bicycle should we actually get a pleasant day with a south westerly evolving as the day goes on.
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Evening .
I went for a ride with my friends this morning . 6 of us which was a good turn out . The weather had brightened up and the sun had come out but there were strong gusty winds. 3/4 of the way round we split up 4 of us wanted to do a short cut whilst I went on with a friend's bit further. At one point my friend couldn't manage to maintain the same pace as me and so the gap between gradually widened . I finally managed to catch up with him when he slowed down . :whistle:
I managed to do 20 miles.
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