Mundane News

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Not that much blood.


Legendary Member
I've had a day in the fettling shed*

has become this

*with an appropiate number of coffee/squash/pee breaks obviously


Legendary Member
The patient is a lot better today thankfully, sadly, the guy in the adjacent bed seems to be deteriorating rapidly :sad:

Been another stressful day really, mostly caused by the builder. They were working on my balcony today. When I saw them arrive this morning, I went out to speak to them but the boss seen me coming and jumped in the van and drove off. The guys left behind were only told to lift the small part of the concrete that was breaking up and patch it although I wanted the whole thing relaid as the concrete is of poor quality, mostly sand and will continue to break up.

I phoned him and told him this and he told me to **** off and hung up. I challenged him about it when he came back and he was his usual rude self and insisted it was normal for cement to break up after two years, I haven't a leg to stand on legally as I accepted it at the time and he can't be held responsible for normal wear and tear. He said it was my own fault because I hadn't cleaned up the leaves that had blown down and he might sue me for the repair.

Nothing I can really do unless I try to take him to court but I don't need the stress or the expense. I normally would never wish bad luck on anyone but I actually hope there is still a leak as he will be forced to fix it properly. :sad: I wish I'd never bought this place.
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