Mundane News

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Check between the pages of books.
I've found money in a number of secondhand books. Folk do it either to keep the money safe, or as a bookmark. Then forget it's there.

I found a collection of old banknotes in some books including one from the 1930's that was for "Ten Thousand Marks" and had a stamp on it adjusting this to "One Million Marks" which demonstrated the speed of hyperinflation at the time.


Chicken news:

Babs caught a mouse this morning, and spent a long time thrashing it until it was the right size and shape to swallow whole. The tail hung out of her beak for a few minutes, but has gone now.

The little so-and-so's obviously have got together and agreed a rota. It's only three eggs again today. I am contemplating withholding their evening corn as punishment.


Legendary Member
All this talk about poultry takes me back to a visit to Melton Mowbray Christmas cattle market.

Walking back to the car park we saw a lady with a turkey in a carrier bag with it’s head sticking out,was alive . I asked her what she intended to do with it Apparently they offered to kill it and pluck it .She told them I’m not paying for husband can do that Apparently she did this every Christmas


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Today's 71 plate truck has 300,473 kilometers on the odometer and has taken me to Stirchley & Bromsgrove.


Vice Admiral
The Patient has now been diagnosed as having spondy losing arty rightus* aka spondyloarthritis, which in his case is particularly in the neck. This is in addition to his prolactinoma.

Despite the seriousness of his condition, it has taken more than two weeks, so far, for the Hospital to write to the GP Practice, and it will take a few more weeks for the correspondence to be forwarded to his GP for a prescription to be issued. They also forgot he needs another blood test (every three months).

* The habit of strange translations of medication started when my Mother was prescribed doggy cloperal, as she called it, which is Clopidogrel.
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Stick on grips didn't last well on the walking soes, maybe need nailing as well. Looked at the Countryfile suggested walking shoes and ordered a pair of Cotswold Wychwood Low in a size 12. I am a 10 but reviews on them say they are way underside. What has come is a 46 which I thought was 11 but seem okay. Supplier was Secret Sales who came up as the cheapest. Ordered Wednesday evening arrived this am.
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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
There is no stage between chicken and hen. They've been chickens for their entire life. There IS a stage between chick and hen, but we bought ours as point-of-lay, so they have been both chicken and hen for the entirety of the time we've had them.

That is interesting, we used to get ours from the hatchery or on the bus or train as hatchlings. I lived near a poultry warehouse, and the grown chickens would get shipped from there to their next incarnation, but sometimes a few would escape and wind up by the barber shop or in the neighborhood.
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