Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Lunchtime stroll completed


A Mary Berry ,Raspberry cake has been purchased by Postman for the planned visit to my old mate Jack.I have not seen him since my cancer diagnosis,and now i am better it is time to start the monthly get together again.Like this coming Tuesday when i will walk in on the monthly lads meeting.I am looking forward to that.Not going to have any beer though.I want to check something out with the team two days later at the hospital.Things are on the up.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
As I suspected the medical visit was for stuff I knew about already and in some cases I knew more than the GP computer.
This is caused by having been to two consultants and a dentist recently whose findings have not yet filtered through the system.
More blood tests ordered by the GP but there seems to be confusion as haematology say things look more or less normal but a consultant has referred me to them for further investigation.
It is inevitable that as you get older things start to malfunction and the dilemma is to know when to stop fighting back.
Having said that I am quite a bit older than many of my now departed contemporaries were when they died. You do get flattery sometimes as I was told I look 20 years younger than I really am even tho' I do not feel like it. Probably will look a lot older next week after a haircut.

In the real world I have got back into FB but not sure how and since the council have just published the council tax which the Scottish Government has frozen it is red hot from irate posters. Better not go any further into this as it will get me censored.

On the computer front I discover that the email from the Ferry Committee has gone directly into the filing system on my Macbook without appearing in the inbox as it did on my phone and ipad.


Have you seen the interdental brushes, thicker ones might be useful, although probably not long enough.
When i said pipe cleaners,i should have said a thin piece of wire from his shed.I had not taken my cleaning kit,the one given by the hearing aid bloke,which has a little brush and two thin black wires cables or whatever the correct term is.So i went in to the shed and had a look round for the finest wire thread and like most 93 year old blokes he had one of everything you needed.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Bin's weren't emptied until 15:00! Shocking!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sat in surgery waiting room this morning when a disembodied voice behind my chair announced loudly
“ Bluetooth is turned off!”. All eyes turned and looked at me. :blush:
Couple of minutes later came “ Bluetooth is turned on” and all turned and looked with pity towards me.
Not content it did it again and again until I felt disposed to declare “ Wisnae me” to the assembled company.
WTF was that all about.:wacko:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I went down to the south coast today, Normans Bay, and returned without having fish and chips. Observations of 3 sandpipers down by the shoreline indicates that they don't like getting their legs and feet wet. They run away from each incoming wave.

Also, there were big trucks moving shingle around on the beach, probably building up some degree of flood protection.
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