Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where so far we've had mist, bright sunshine, thick cloud cover and a very good first mug of coffee.
I was doing a bit of route planning last night, only to find out this morning that both options I was looking at are affected by road closures due to flooding (Welney Wash Road & North Bank, Peterborough), with the obvious diversion options being along major 'A' roads with no safe (to me) cycling space so further research for a potential outing tomorrow will have to be done.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The missive from our ferry committee now appears on my iPad as well as phone but not tried Macbook yet. The whole thing is a mystery to me.
Basically the ferry committee want to take over the running of our main ferry. Given the entrepreneurial chairman this would probably work and be better than the existing set up.
Govt. will not even talk to them far less give serious consideration to the idea.
Next move is probably to set up a rival service but this has problems as Calmac own the landing spot on one side and are unlikely to give permission for a rival to use it.
Back to the drawing board.


Dull misty some wet stuff at times, so much for the sunny symbol for the days weather predicted at the weekend. Black bin emptied, teeth tended to by hygienist so a urgent need for coffee and chocolate cake. Sainsbury's shopped and todays milk sat in a plastic container just in case.
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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Still cloudy here, My parcel has just left California. Still sending Mrs. GA to the store until surgical wound heals and medicine for spasms takes hold.


Vice Admiral
I was the only person voting against our new afternoon meeting place for our Men's Shed monthly AGM. We are now meeting in the local bowls club. We used to meet at the rugby club and on sunny days we would go outside and sit by the benches and look across the playing field and open countryside. If things became noisy or overcrowded we would go outside. There was also talk about the new workshop not being used by enough members. Well ! I won't use it as it has just been set up for woodworking. I mainly do metalwork or tinker. Also the talk of us making planters doesn't appeal either. I'm retired, I have enough jobs in my house to finish off. I can see me leaving soon!
I think I miss the chat and joking that I used to have with several peeps who have left.

I would agree with you. If rooms get noisy or overcrowded, I need to escape to somewhere quieter. After you have made two planters or three, it could get monotonous.

Also a variety of tasks would be a good idea. There is a group that meets locally called something like "Art and Craft" and they do different things that fall into that category. Also a group called "Craft and Chat". People take their own crafts, knitting, crochet, embroidery, or drawing or anything else. They can help people who are learning. Yes, men do attend both of those groups.

There are lots of groups that meet up for various activities. Skittles at the cricket club, board games, early evening, at a pub, or in the afternoon at the Library. Scrabble somewhere else, which I think is with the U3A. Walking football? Walking netball? Knitting and crochet, early evening at a pub. The list is a long one.

A local Carefarm has volunteers who either work with the people who attend, or work just looking after the animals like ducks, half a dozen (friendly) pigs, goats, sheep, and donkeys etc.

I am very lucky to have a garden that looks out over an expanse of fields with hills in the distance. If I had a small enclosed garden I would like somewhere out in the open.


Leg End Member
If the ad's are targeted, can anyone explain this one?
It's a mild and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard after a very foggy start early doors.

Did not sleep well as my brain wouldn't switch off. But I spent a lovely morning in the company of a friend and her two dogs, walking around the local playing fields and the odd rather muddy trail. It's just good to set the world to rights. Oh, and the stock and a portion of gammon were very well received.

My afternoon will be spent putting the finishing touches to the drawings catalogue. All I've got left to do is to complete the list of references and the bibliography, and then proof read everything to check for any errors, typos and that sort of stuff. Doesn't sound like much, but it's still probably a good couple of hours' worth.

Will probably take a break during the above in order to fill up the wood bins in the house - even though there's a good day's worth still left. I have to take the parental for an eye test tomorrow, and that's going to take up much of the afternoon. I don't want to be have to be doing firewood when I get back, so will get ahead today.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon, and I has a hungry. Oh, and someone wants their chicken...
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