Mundane News

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Weather the same as @biggs682. Afternoon requires work visits to Skipton and the south side of Harrogate meaning, with the A59 still shut, passing through the cycling hotspots of Ilkley twice and Otley once so if no cyclists seen will be very surprising.


Legendary Member
Lovely sunny day but bitterly cold wind.
Only outside to go down to Calmac office where Michelle did her best but cannot book ferries which her computer says are already fully booked. She also admits to being bamboozled by the current timetable and the constant changes but got me on sailings which are not ideal but all that was left.
Something, probably red deer are eating what are I think crocus in my front garden. Could be bluebells but not sure as it is all a bit of a mix up.
Spent some time turning up the legs on a pair of cord trousers. This is a constant problem as my waist and leg length do not seem to match any standard. I do have three sewing machines but it is just as easy to do by hand.
My mother was a seamstress and I was taught how to sew properly at a very young age. It came as a great surprise that she worked in France and Switzerland in the 1930's. You have to be careful with these teuchters as they often are better travelled than you are and some of them are not above winding up the poor touroid for their own amusement.
They pretend ignorance and I have been asked if I had ever seen a double decker bus and a trip to Oban was a great event in my life.
I refrained from telling them I had just come up mostly overnight from the M5, M6 and M74 before the A82 and A85 to the first ferry that morning.
Once I caught a remark from a pair of aged bodach who were waiting to go on air for a tv programme.
" Yes that is right the last time I was in Rio". The rest was lost as I was just passing.

On the subject of never having seen a double decker bus, friends of my grandparents went to Glasgow in the early '60s to visit relatives. Coming from a really rural area, they had never seen a double decker.

So in Glasgow, to get they bus to wherever they were going, they were at the depot about 15 minutes before the bus was supposed to leave and went upstairs on the bus because they'd never done that before.

They were waiting and forgot where they were, so when the bus started moving, she shouted out "****, the bus is away without the driver" to much hilarity from all the other passengers.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain is forecast but looks unlikely.
The wind is near gale which has a high wind chill and the living room is at 16C just now.
There are no obvious draughts but a wind on the front of the house makes it very cold.
Nothing planned today but I may service the sewing machines as I should start trying to sell them.
I had several at one time as I picked them up at auctions when they appeared to have faults so buyers were put off bidding.
My preinspection showed that it was only a matter of adjustment but I left them maladjusted so got them for a fiver mostly. The two Singer ones I have are worth several hundred pounds each but finding a buyer here is virtually impossible.
A bit like my bikes which nobody here will pay anything like the urban price for.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where normal service has resumed - it's raining :rain:

Hopefully the car should be ready for collection later this morning so that I can get yesterday's gardening rubbish & a few other bits down to the recycling centre. Might as well take advantage of having the carrying capacity and do a bulky goods shop as well. I'll give it at one more coffee and a very late breakfast before I go round to the garage


Itching to get back on my bike's
That all went too plan
Time to go and find the kettle

I haven't got it.

My mother was a seamstress and I was taught how to sew properly at a very young age. It came as a great surprise that she worked in France and Switzerland in the 1930's. You have to be careful with these teuchters as they often are better travelled than you are and some of them are not above winding up the poor touroid for their own amusement.
They pretend ignorance and I have been asked if I had ever seen a double decker bus and a trip to Oban was a great event in my life.

My Zimbabwean friend used to do the same, although he did say it was often easier just to agree that he lived in a mud hut than try to explain the reality.
A grey, murky and somewhat drizzly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well and have had a morning just footling about doing stuff that needed doing. Am a bit tired, as was up really late working on that drawings catalogue. With three potential buyers lined up, it is imperative that I get it finished. I only have one section left to tidy up and format. And re-write the gibberish that I generated on Saturday. It no longer makes sense. Shows you shouldn't write if you are too tired or your mind's not with it, as you only end up having to do it over. Then it's just chasing up the references, listing all the tables and illustrations and then, finally, generating a list of contents. If things go to plan, I should have it done and dusted by tomorrow.

I will be glad when this is out of my hair. Yes, I've enjoyed doing it, and yes, I've learned a lot too, but it's sucked up all my free time since mid-November. But that's my afternoon and evening sewn up. OK, I need to fill the wood bins in the house and I will need to do a little bit of cooking, but yeah...

Anyways, it's nearly time for luncheon and someone wants their chicken.
After cooking for a few hours, the cooling juices are supposed to separate into fat and jelly. I got no jelly at all. Also, a fair bit of the pork seemed crunchy. Maybe it'll all turn out right in a couple of days in the fridge.

AFAIK Rilettes shouldn't have jelly at all. OTOH the meat shouldn't be crunchy either, it should be butter soft when warm but somewhat stiffer in texture when cooked. I often find that adding extra lard helps to prevent stickage.
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