Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Cool and frosty here, but bright and blues skies.:becool:

I've never been to IKEA. Am I missing out on something in my life.🤔

I do not think so. I have not been inside an Ikea shop for ...... :scratch:about thirty years. It was my idea of a nightmare even then. I could not find what I was looking for, and there was no-one around to ask.

After moving house since then, the nearest one is about thirty miles away.


Legendary Member
I do not think so. I have not been inside an Ikea shop for ...... :scratch:about thirty years. It was my idea of a nightmare even then. I could not find what I was looking for, and there was no-one around to ask.

After moving house since then, the nearest one is about thirty miles away.

My nearest is about 90 miles away but people will go to it from here. I know someone who goes a few times a year as a day out!


Vice Admiral
My nearest is about 90 miles away but people will go to it from here. I know someone who goes a few times a year as a day out!

A few times a year as a day out? The mind boggles.

I much prefer your idea of a day out, which usually includes a scenic ride and a snack/meal or ice cream. Combining that with a paddle in the sea (if it is warm enough), would be my idea of a day out. Then back home for a cup of tea, followed by pie and chips in the local pub that evening.


Vice Admiral
There's an IKEA about 6 miles from me. I actually got some of their furniture when I moved in here. But it's a form of retail imprisonment so I haven't felt the need to go back.

I have a coffee table bought from MFI in :scratch: ... about forty years ago. It is just the right size for the television to stand on. It was used as a coffee table, until I inherited (chose from my Mother's house) a lovely Indian table with elephants carved in it. Yes, it has a glass top, to protect the elephants.

Most of the rest of the furniture is about thirty or forty years old. The exception is the lounge chairs, and the mattress on my bed.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Walked to Aldi, Strava this time decided it was 2224 steps which might be roughly right for the 2.7 miles. Last time it said 110 !

My Garmin gives me 7144 steps for 3.36 miles.

which works out at 2126 steps for a mile.

So you must have an extraordinary stride.


Vice Admiral
There is an Ikea "bentwood" chair that is from Ikea, but I got that on Freecycle many moons ago.

It replaced a chair that must have been about thirty years old, when it was given to me by a neighbour when she downsized her home about forty years ago. It was extremely heavy, and started to need lots of renovation, so I got rid of it about five years ago.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Use to enjoy a trip to IKEA.
Can remember going to the one where the M5 and M6 join together.

There was a chap trying hard to get a double mattress into an original mini , he must have had more people watching him than EastEnders.

I felt like going over and offering to put it in the back of the Carina E estate I had at the time.

I had one of the Mini Estates, it was effectively a van. When my parents moved I transported their fridge with room to spare. A mattress would have fitted that, not so sure about a saloon. I had a great deal of fun in that car, not so sure my passengers in the rear did.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
The weather peeps just announced that after the fog clears rain moves in ! :angry:

Like this:



Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Dry sunny morning so far but still cold tho' no frost.
Monday morning ferry blues again as the early one is off because of a "technical issue".
The best way would be to just go and queue up at the terminal and get on on a first come first on basis but unfortunately nowadays you have to book a timed ferry and the tickets are specific to that sailing.

The sheep in the field opposite seem to have found an escape route on to the school playing field and from there to the car park before getting detected.
They belong to a hobby shepherdess I think and it was not uncommon to keep sheep for shows but have no land of your own. One of the largest flocks was owned by somebody who worked in the local council office but owned or rented no land and just shifted them around as required.
Not many can do that now as most spare land has been snaffled for fancy large houses.

We have a field at the back, judging by the variety/age of the sheep seen there, I suspect they are headed for the local butchers.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I do not think so. I have not been inside an Ikea shop for ...... :scratch:about thirty years. It was my idea of a nightmare even then. I could not find what I was looking for, and there was no-one around to ask.

After moving house since then, the nearest one is about thirty miles away.

Must be one near here, when we moved in most of the light bulbs seemed to be from Ikea.
A mild and sort of sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, after a pretty chilly start.

Slept well. This morning's accomplishments included doing a load of laundry, sorting out some ingredients for tonight's supper and furkling out a gammon from the freezer. Never ceases to amaze me that you can take out a fairly sizeable item and that it looks like you've taken nothing out at all.

This afternoon will be spent going hammer and tongs on the drawings catalogue as there's another potential buyer lurking in the wings. It seems like the database that I put together has been the catalyst in raising people's interest in the stuff. I will also need to pop out and drop off the parental unit's prescription.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and someone wants their chicken.
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