Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Morning all.. I'm nearly up. It's Monday, isn't it? 🤔

Afraid so
First cuppa brewing


Itching to get back on my bike's
Use to enjoy a trip to IKEA.
Can remember going to the one where the M5 and M6 join together.

There was a chap trying hard to get a double mattress into an original mini , he must have had more people watching him than EastEnders.

I felt like going over and offering to put it in the back of the Carina E estate I had at the time.


Itching to get back on my bike's
For some reason the the bird feeders didn't need much topping up today after yesterday's sparrow hawk visit.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it's been a frosty, bright & sunny start to the day. Car will be taken round to the garage for its MOT & service shortly and there won't be a problem with missing the delivery as I've had a text message giving a scheduled time of between 11:30 and 12:30 for this.

The first coffee of the day has just been finished and there's a load of washing being done at the moment and this can go on the line once I'm back from the garage. Judging by the earlier sounds the recycling bin hasn't been emptied yet, just the garden waste bins for those that pay for it.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry sunny morning so far but still cold tho' no frost.
Monday morning ferry blues again as the early one is off because of a "technical issue".
The best way would be to just go and queue up at the terminal and get on on a first come first on basis but unfortunately nowadays you have to book a timed ferry and the tickets are specific to that sailing.

The sheep in the field opposite seem to have found an escape route on to the school playing field and from there to the car park before getting detected.
They belong to a hobby shepherdess I think and it was not uncommon to keep sheep for shows but have no land of your own. One of the largest flocks was owned by somebody who worked in the local council office but owned or rented no land and just shifted them around as required.
Not many can do that now as most spare land has been snaffled for fancy large houses.
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