Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Fluffy white clouds and blue sky here.
These people are allowed to vote and use scissors.😱

I'm calling that a wind up.

Apart from anything else, it's theologically dubious, because by claiming that "Jesus would have navigational issues" implies that he isn't omnipotent, and if he's not omnipotent he isn't God, and the world view of more fundamentalist Christians who allegedly wrote this wouldn't accept that idea.

But that doesn't excuse Musk of anything, Just saying.


Leg End Member
@tyred, just down the road from you!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
The person who took in SWMBO's mis-delivered expensive parcel last Monday, then declared to us they haven't got it is now telling DHL they gave it to a courier but couldn't remember who. DHL went back to collect, using their tracking.

As DHL have given up, and it's expensive, I've stuck the door image on our local FB page asking "anyone know whose this is?" and informed the police. The :cursing: have basically stolen an expensive item. Hopefully the power of local social media may help. Or maybe not if they're shameless.


Legendary Member

That would be a little out of my price range.

I think this might be the best MKII Escort I could afford nowadays.

Four seasons in one day here chez Casa Reynard. Just had hail the size of peas pinging off the windows.

Did not sleep well - a combo of mind not switching off and feeling achy and bloated. Have had a gentle morning puttering around doing chores. This included putting a new packet of bog roll in the bathroom, as the last roll has gone onto the holder. I have also trimmed my finger nails and trodden on Madam Lexi's tail. She was not impressed, but some chicken brought her round.

Love the tea cosy @Speicher! :wub: I don't suppose you have a pattern for that? I have several cat-themed tea cosies. And several cat-themed tea pots. :blush:

Anyways, luncheon has tamped down sufficiently, and I shall now go and top up the wood bins in the house before the F1 qualifying starts. And I shall also carry on doing stuff on those catalogues.
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