Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
You're right, my memory is deceiving me, although there used to be tin with the oilskin clad chap on the front.
Lost at sea perhaps.
A mild, blustery and soggy day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept OK, and am slowly starting to feel less put out about things. And now that I know this whole thing is dead in the water, I'm just beginning to realise how wound up and stressed I've been these last three weeks. I am getting my own back, as I'm currently refusing to grant permission to change the microchip back pending advice from one of the GCCF officers who is au fait with these kinds of shenanigans.

I could potentially go down the legal route as it's a clear breach of a written agreement, but really, if I ended up with the cat as a result, these despicable excuses for Human beings will still be there to annoy me, and I can't be doing with that. Or the stress and expense for that matter. All I really want right now is for them to be aware of the consequences of their actions so that they can't do to someone else what they've done to me. And then they can go to hell.

On the upsides, the Cat Fancy and a local rescue have really gotten behind me, and I've already been offered three other cats - two non-pedigree and a Siamese cross. I've declined them on the basis that I really need some time to clear my head, and that I want to make that decision for all the right reasons and not all the wrong ones.

I have done the grand total of diddly squat today, and I've really needed that bit of a break. Am about to have a :cuppa: and Madam Lexi is currently mithering me for some more Parma ham. I've said no, but like that's going to stop her :laugh:
Arrived at Michelle's at 13.00h. and it was heaving - ! :eek:
Not surprised, such is it's popularity; cars, truck, vans & HGVs were arriving almost as fast as they were departing.
Took a wee while to get our grub, but my bacon & Stilton doorstep was well worth the wait. :okay:
Oh and also nabbed three slices of her home made cakes for later - ! :laugh:

Now there's an idea... I've bacon in, AND that kilo wheel of Stilton that's still lurking in the fridge... :hungry:
The Sun is currently making it difficult to see my screen. Where are the clouds when you need them.

If you will use your computer screen to prop up the newspaper...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain continued all day and I spent most of the afternoon asleep.
Bloods done and I noticed wee Debbie the nurse has gone up market a bit. She has a fancy new name badge telling us she is now Deborah. She thought the original ones were a bit dull.
She seems to be the main Practice Nurse now despite being young enough to be my granddaughter.
One innovation which is the reinstatement of the waiting room clock is welcome as it was annoying
( to me anyway) when it was removed at the start of the covid panic.
Nothing else achieved today but mebbe a visit to the charity shop container tomorrow.
Isn't life exciting!
Georgie came in and jumped onto the settee, he first of all came and said hello to me and walked down my legs to the stool. He couldn't make up his mind what he was doing as he went back and forth between me and my wife, and back and forth over and over again. Eventually he settled on the stool and had a lot of chin and ear rubs. He kept clenching and relaxing his paw in my hands, his claws were out . It felt nice .
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