Mundane News

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Über Member
Depending on your boss and work contract - don't take your work phone with you.

I don't have one fortunately!
As for lunchtimes at work ~ one of my old work colleagues from many years ago, long since retired, when faced with a lunchtime question from the boss would happily point out that break times were his time and not to bother him :laugh:.
A proper old school chap who'd started his working career in Darlington Railway works.
I don't have one fortunately!
As for lunchtimes at work ~ one of my old work colleagues from many years ago, long since retired, when faced with a lunchtime question from the boss would happily point out that break times were his time and not to bother him :laugh:.
A proper old school chap who'd started his working career in Darlington Railway works.

One reason I wouldn't have stayed with my previous employer for long, was that they expected us to "be available" in the lunch breaks.

One reason my contract wasn't renewed, was that I never was, if you see what I mean.
Just had to send a client home. I could smell the alcohol on his breath as I came into the workshop.

He could probably work safely but he needs to know there are boundaries.


Legendary Member
Back home and it's still raining.

Stepfather has had his quick operation while mum, my sister and I have had a very nice get together and natter over coffee and cake - I know who had the better time. Now to do a few domestics and have a rest before heading to Cambridge this evening.
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