Mundane News

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It's been a bright and breezy day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well and slept in. Have largely had a quiet day, but spent some good time in the garden collecting kindling as both my kindling bins under the garage porch were empty. There's plenty of deadfall and other bits just lying around after recent storms, so it's just a case of picking stuff up and snapping it to size.

Had a lovely supper of steamed salmon, sweet peppers stuffed with lemon & parsley bulgur wheat and roasted baby plum tomatoes.

I am deciding what to do about this particular cat breeder. Part of me is thinking of buying a really *GOOD* example of the breed and then shafting them on the show bench. Speaking of which, I've had SO much support from the cat fancy, which really means a lot.
Good Morning.

Elder Son the volunteer fireman just sent a WhatsApp; he did his first 'live' solo full oxygen mask building check in the local refugee centre last night.

They didn't find a fire but all the alarms had gone off so they had evacuate and check all the rooms.


Legendary Member
Perambulation completed.


Dried off, porridge eaten and all ready to start another day at work.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Why am I not surprised it is pouring with rain?
A bit knackered after my perambulations yesterday so a restful day seems in order.
Trouble is it gets pretty boring and I get a bit crosseyed if I spend too much time reading or looking at a computer screen.
I could do with some flatbread and the bread supply is on the verge of needing replenished so perhaps that should be attended to.
Make some soup perhaps but coffee first while I consider.
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