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Legendary Member
Proof that I was a good boy and obeyed the dismount signs in the garden.:angel:

Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.


I can't remember (or, even if I could) what the benefits of deferring the state pension is. I did that and I think I get a certain percentage more.
You can claim and still work. It makes no difference apart from getting clobbered on tax. (State Pension is paid in full but the amount is added to your income and popped onto your tax code.)
This information might be either wrong or out of date but that's what happened with me.

A quick read tells me you effectively get 10. something percent more deferring each year.
No point in taking it the first year to lose 40% I think.
I don't see me working more than 16 months, so defer I will till I'm 67. Doesn't bother me, I don't have any great hobbies and do generally enjoy and being motivated by work. Health is generally good barring arthritis.


Just enjoying a steaming bowl of porridge at work
I can't remember (or, even if I could) what the benefits of deferring the state pension is. I did that and I think I get a certain percentage more.
You can claim and still work. It makes no difference apart from getting clobbered on tax. (State Pension is paid in full but the amount is added to your income and popped onto your tax code.)
This information might be either wrong or out of date but that's what happened with me.

Have you been Fujitsued? :whistle:
Another grey day here.
Our back garden path and lawn had a large puddle on them , it amused Georgie he seemed to be looking for fish. He took the opportunity to have a drink. It's strange how cats will go to such lengths to drink water in strange places. Our old pair of cats used to sit in the bath waiting for the mysterious fountain to provide a trickle of water. :wacko:
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