Mundane News

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Sun threatening to stay, keeps appearing and disappearing. Road bike mudguards fitted and chain oiled in expectation for this afternoon.
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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I was playing with a Nikon D70S that I picked up cheap on the bay last night. The body of the camera was very sticky. It seems that quite a few have this problem. I have tried some Pledge cleaner but that didn't do anything . I just tried a bit of saliva and a paper towel and it started coming off. I continued doing that and have managed to get most of the sticky stuff off.
I have discovered that one of the pins on the card reader has been pushed down so I'm waiting for a chance to remove it and try to repair it .

Rubbing alcohol at 90% concentration and a great deal of rubbing removed that crazed coating on my old Lumix, common problem with grip coatings from that period.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Calmac have got their SMS knickers in a proper twist with all sorts of conflicting information nobody has told the office staff about.
The chairman of our ferry committee put out an email. ( I should add I suppose with tongue firmly in his cheek)



Vice Admiral
Calmac have got their SMS knickers in a proper twist with all sorts of conflicting information nobody has told the office staff about.
The chairman of our ferry committee put out an email. ( I should add I suppose with tongue firmly in his cheek)

View attachment 722024

I think he has been watching too many episodes of "Yes Minister".
another goalfest on MOTD tonight? Just like last night.


Legendary Member
Cleared up in a nice bright day. 37 miles completed including some mild off roading on the bridal path to the National Park.

The park was unusually busy today. It must be 'national use your extending dog lead day' which always makes for interesting cycling on shared use paths as the leads are difficult to see when the dog is 20 feet away from the owner.

I rang my loud bell several times while approaching to pedestrians who the proceeded to give me a telling off for not ringing my bell!
Had a lovely day stewarding at the Coventry & Leicester show yesterday. Bloody knackered, as my judge had more than 50 cats on her book, and then 18 more across two Best of Variety (British kitten, Burmese / Asian neuter). And then I got borrowed for a bit by a judge of Persians as well. It ended up being a 22 hour day as I was too buzzed to sleep last night. Hips and lower back not really thanking me for the exertions... But I handled some really lovely cats including a fabulous Persian (called Tickles), and an insanely cute golden shaded British kitten. Oh, and a brown tortie Burmese with the pottiest mouth ever.

I learned a lot about British Shorthairs as well - it's nice to work with a pedigree judge who is quite happy to impart knowledge to me. It's just a shame that we had SO many cats that we couldn't really take the time to enjoy them as much as we'd have liked.

A really satisfying day was totally marred by the email that was waiting for me in my inbox from the oriental breeder. Namely that they've withdrawn their offer for me to take the cat. I thought their silence had a bit of a stench to it, and I was right.

The lump on her leg is nothing serious - just a fatty deposit, but they've changed their mind, despite all the paperwork having been done etc and have told me that it was never their intention to rehome her anyway. This was after they tried to introduce her to some of their other cats simply by dumping them in a room together and expecting them to rub along instantly - and being surprised that this went a bit pear-shaped. And they're now also telling me that Lexi won't make a suitable companion for her as a result. Bloody idiots. It can take a couple of months to introduce cats properly - been there, done that and done it with two semi-ferals in the past.

I mean WTF!!! What do they gain by messing me around like this? I've bought a whole load of new stuff in anticipation of having this cat, sorted out show entries, done two round trips of 110 miles each, and for what?

If nothing else, I will be naming and shaming them publicly in the cat fancy as well as reporting them to the GCCF for breach of contract. I'm sorry, but I do not take kindly to be messed around. I think they will find that they have pissed off the wrong person and I fully intend making them pay for that. I'm sorry, but I am just SO cross right now.

And at the end of the day, it's the poor cat that's losing out. I mean what kind of a life does she have in a room with two chest freezers and a cat tree?!?!?! Bloody idiots with their heads so far up their own backsides they are so oblivious to the fact that they're being total peanuts.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Strange weather today. Mostly misty but with intervals of sunshine and heavy rain.
I did manage to get out for a walk mostly dry and then got some tidying in the garden done.
Disaster as a bit of my shed annex roof has broken and been driven off by the recent gales. A temporary/permanent fix will have to do as I do not have the material or indeed the fitness to do anything more and it is difficult to get anyone to do such jobs for money.
There is little unemployment so nobody hanging around picking up bits and pieces of work. The big problem for all potential workers is accommodation as any empty properties are holiday homes or airbandb for seasonal use.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I got my official letter to allow me to claim my upcoming state pension.
That's a weird one, it's getting close.
ATM, I intend to defer and work on another year perhaps. And that in itself is strange, I feel perfectly fit enough to carry on...and yet that would then make my retirement age 67.

I can't remember (or, even if I could) what the benefits of deferring the state pension is. I did that and I think I get a certain percentage more.
You can claim and still work. It makes no difference apart from getting clobbered on tax. (State Pension is paid in full but the amount is added to your income and popped onto your tax code.)
This information might be either wrong or out of date but that's what happened with me.
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