Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Sure enough rain started midday but I managed to get a decent walk done before the worst of it.
Spent a lot of time sorting out some of the junk room or bike room would perhaps be a better description.
Why do we have so much assorted cutlery? It currently is just a heap but I will need to sort it into some sort of order and take it the the charity shop.
In a past life we did quite a lot of formal entertaining so I suppose most of it came from that time but has not been used now for years.

It's always tea spoons that seem to disappear.


Leg End Member
One careless owner


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
This is the BBC Home Service ,please await a Government broadcast.Mrs P is poorly.She has gone down with the lurgy.She is in bed and asleep.Postman has made the following statement.In 33 years of marriage i have never known Mrs P to take to her bed like this.I was tasked with shopping today.I had no idea how four fruit scones and a jar of blackcurrant jam got in to the shopping basket,they were not on the list.Details of Mrs P's condition will be posted on the front gate as and when necessary.

I'm not sure hugs are an appropriate response.

What other mischief are you up to?


Repeat of Monday afternoon re the useless work IT system. This morning work visits and one black car that is now two tone black brown. Was hoping for a heavy downpour this afternoon to wash it but no such luck.
Have tomorrow off so that will be filled partly by washing it.
Did see a group of cyclists in Masham who had braved all the puddles and semi flooded roads and then respotted them heading into a cafe


All at sea⛵
Today is the day

Who nicked the Teddy Bears picks?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain most of the day which has now turned to fog.
Cannot remember when I first noticed but there are no foghorns to be heard nowadays. In the past all the ships passing had foghorns going in foggy conditions. All relying on radar nowadays tho' judging by some of the tales coming from emergency services not too sure if some even know what radar is.
In a lull in rain walked down to my car to take some measurements to check if a mobility scooter will fit in beside the trike. This is something I have not used apart from trial runs and being a trike it has the same problems steering as upright pedalling trikes.
Tends to veer of course particularly on any camber. Frightening but needs more practice.

Post just been and I have an invite to meet a medical consultant on a Saturday at 1640. No idea what this is about as the last one refused to have anything to do with my defective gall bladder. The one for the new appointment who is the boss I think said something earlier about being willing to "have a go" as he put it but the matter was not further discussed.
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