Mundane News

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Legendary Member
We have :sun: and, more importantly, a second coffee.


This is the BBC Home Service ,please await a Government broadcast.Mrs P is poorly.She has gone down with the lurgy.She is in bed and asleep.Postman has made the following statement.In 33 years of marriage i have never known Mrs P to take to her bed like this.I was tasked with shopping today.I had no idea how four fruit scones and a jar of blackcurrant jam got in to the shopping basket,they were not on the list.Details of Mrs P's condition will be posted on the front gate as and when necessary.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Been and voted
Refused to talk to ITV film crew
Lunchtime stroll completed under blue and cloudy skies
A mild, sunny and very spring-like day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept like a log. Still feel very tired, but I plan on taking it easy today. The last couple of weeks have been an emotional and hormonal shitstorm. Bleurgh! At least the heffalumps have cleared off now, and sniffles don't seem to have progressed beyond a bit of a head cold, so I should still be OK to steward on Saturday. I just really need to catch up on the sleep.

Still no further news about the cat. I haven't heard anything from the owners since Saturday evening, so absolutely no idea what's going on there. At least it's given me the time to think about the situation. I have decided that I will take her on if, and only if, she gets a completely clean bill of health from the vets - including bloodwork, which I'm assuming they'll do because of her age. I've also decided that if I can't take her on, I will decline an offer of one of their other cats, as while they are lovely and good examples of the breed, they are all largely too timid (simply not socialised enough), and Lexi will take advantage of a timid cat.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.
This is the BBC Home Service ,please await a Government broadcast.Mrs P is poorly.She has gone down with the lurgy.She is in bed and asleep.Postman has made the following statement.In 33 years of marriage i have never known Mrs P to take to her bed like this.I was tasked with shopping today.I had no idea how four fruit scones and a jar of blackcurrant jam got in to the shopping basket,they were not on the list.Details of Mrs P's condition will be posted on the front gate as and when necessary.

Hope Mrs P mends quickly xxx :hugs:
It's a pity that cats don't understand how much sharp claws in soft fleshy human extremities hurts! One of ours, Millie, is a bit of a slasher as well, although always makes it look like its not her fault you pulled your hand away as she was gently resting her paw on it.

This is precisely why Madam Lexi gets a regular manicure and pedicure.

Trouble is, she prefers to bite. :blink:
Hot cross bun or toast? Oooh, i don't know? Fruity hot cross loaf, toasted to the rescue, washed down with a .....

nice brew.


Vice Admiral
This is the BBC Home Service ,please await a Government broadcast.Mrs P is poorly.She has gone down with the lurgy.She is in bed and asleep.Postman has made the following statement.In 33 years of marriage i have never known Mrs P to take to her bed like this.I was tasked with shopping today.I had no idea how four fruit scones and a jar of blackcurrant jam got in to the shopping basket,they were not on the list.Details of Mrs P's condition will be posted on the front gate as and when necessary.

I can state categorically that fruit scones, with proper butter, or jam, have a therapeutic effect on poorly peoples. Even better for people looking after poorly people is plain scones with jam and extra thick double cream.
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