Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Working day completed


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out sunny but heavy showers in the morning but the afternoon was mostly clear. Not clear enough for me to get the trike out tho’ so got some gardening done.
Cleared the Jerusalem artichoke stems with a hedge knife but the brambles will need shears as they are too green and just bend.
For those who do not know a hedge knife has a wooden shaft about 4ft long topped by a blade about a foot long and would get you arrested if produced in public. Old fashioned way of cutting back farm hedges before the days of battery power tools and would have been a useful weapon in medieval times.
At long last MV Glen Sannox is doing sea trials and those who hate the Scottish Govt. are praying hard for a breakdown.:angry:
When she comes into service should introduce some flexibility in the fleet and hopefully help us to a more reliable service.
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It's been a grey and squelchy day here chez Casa Reynard. Rain wasn't supposed to turn up till mid afternoon, but it's been hosing it down on and off all day.

Did not sleep well and have felt pretty bleurgh all day. As a result, I have not done very much at all, and have curled up with a hot water bottle, a supply of chocolate and a good book.

I shall be making pancakes later though. :hungry:
You could not make it up.
Calmac as usual are under pressure from the local committee about cancelled ferries.
They send out a text saying that the service buses will wait as the ferry will be over an hour late.
Five minutes later another text saying the service buses WILL NOT wait on the delayed ferry.
They must be getting really rattled.

Sound like the announcement at the beginning of the film Airplane about parking zones ! :whistle:


Just two pancakes, as a honeycomb crunch ice cream sandwich.
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