Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa and a slice of toast with red jam went down well


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
You could not make it up.
Calmac as usual are under pressure from the local committee about cancelled ferries.
They send out a text saying that the service buses will wait as the ferry will be over an hour late.
Five minutes later another text saying the service buses WILL NOT wait on the delayed ferry.
They must be getting really rattled.


What a busy morning.Up a little bit earlier not much.We were having the food pantry goods delivered to us today rather than the office.Staff on half term holiday.So much stuff.I have decided it is time to go back to volunteering again.But not every week.A rota has been done.Week after next i will go see Postman Jack and back to monthly meetings.Then after that in Edingley i am going to meet a fellow CC member for a natter and a brew.That should be very early March.Either before cleaning up Lancashire or just after.Things are looking up after the strange few months i have had.Looking forward to many :sun::bicycle::cuppa:sunny rides with a brew involved.


Legendary Member
Good afternoon from Suffolk where the working day has just 25 minutes to go.

The morning got off to a bad start when I found that the intended commuter bike had a flat tyre (it was OK yesterday) and has not got a lot better as the rain that was forecast to start late afternoon seems to have been here since early/mid morning and we're two staff short on a busy day. On the bright side, an eagle eyed spot has resulted in a decent extra payment having to be made before some goods were released and an email of thanks for the spot from senior regional management :becool:
Currently much hilarity at work; management are trying to reduce overtime while the entire warehouse staff are off sick. This led to one employee being told they should stop working overtime immediately, but also they had to stay two hours longer yesterday in the same sentence.
Good start, well done.

lol, sounds like my part time job at the home improvement store. "you must clock in & out at your scheduled times & you must not work extra hours" you should see the look on customer faces when I'm the only one cutting lumber & they want there's cut at the time I am supposed to leave. it's a very awkward situation!
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