Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
As much as I like building societies and am a member of a few. Many even big ones you do feel like you've gone back in time from the moment you walk in the door.
Having been there today, including coffee provided and a 90-minute discussion, I'd agree. Their approach probably hasn't changed since the 1960's.

Anyway, that's it done for now. Appropriate and approved documentation has been provided. I've proved I'm me. Now we've just got to wait for the probate documentation.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Today's trip to see a medical consultant was a waste of time.
My gall bladder is stuffed with stones but not going to do anything about it. Too old with a dodgy aortic heart valve and anything else he could think of to make it too risky to remove the offending bit.
Just go away and die quietly.
All that could have been done remotely without having me drive a wasted 42 miles.
Weather was clear and dry with little traffic and I suppose the car could do with a good fast run to get properly warmed up.
Could have been out on the trike as there was no dazzling sunshine but still cold at not above 5C all day.
Got home, sat down and fell asleep for an hour so the day as I said was wasted with nothing productive done.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Having been involved in rescue, I can categorically say that is, sadly, a rather commonly-occuring situation.

Son no. 1's two moggies - the black/white friendly cat and the unfriendly Manx - are both rescues. Both came with issues. The black/white cat had a broken hip and was probably injured too young to un-learn some behaviours. The Manx just hates everyone, although is softening with age.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Having been involved in rescue, I can categorically say that is, sadly, a rather commonly-occuring situation.

The cat my younger son and family have is a rescue which belonged to my eldest son who died suddenly in Aberdeen. There was a bit of hiatus until we could get things sorted and she came to my younger son’s household where there was already a large boisterous dog.
She is still a bit reserved but copes with the dog and while not unfriendly will not sit on anybody.
Not like any of the cats we had who tended to look for somebody who disliked cats and jumped up on them.:blush:
Son no. 1's two moggies - the black/white friendly cat and the unfriendly Manx - are both rescues. Both came with issues. The black/white cat had a broken hip and was probably injured too young to un-learn some behaviours. The Manx just hates everyone, although is softening with age.

As did Madam Lexi. She was rescued from appalling conditions, along with 41 other cats, from a house here in Ely.

I'm rather fond of saying that you can take the cat out of the gutter, but you can't always get the gutter out of the cat. That's because it's so damn true.

And it's her issues (biting, not very good at sharing) which is why I'm having such an arsey time trying to find a companion for her.
The cat my younger son and family have is a rescue which belonged to my eldest son who died suddenly in Aberdeen. There was a bit of hiatus until we could get things sorted and she came to my younger son’s household where there was already a large boisterous dog.
She is still a bit reserved but copes with the dog and while not unfriendly will not sit on anybody.
Not like any of the cats we had who tended to look for somebody who disliked cats and jumped up on them.:blush:

Some cats just aren't lap cats. Lexi definitely is, but Poppy would prefer to sit near you than on you. Although she was quite happy sharing my onesie...

Cats generally make a beeline for people who don't like them, usually because they're not making eye contact. Cats see direct eye contact as being not terribly polite, especially when it's from strange people or strange cats.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
There could be flooding

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