Mundane News

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Three degrees in the kitchen,i have told them go sing somewhere else.They said that is not one of their hits.Anyway Postman is feeling much better after his strange night.I have been sick many times and had the runs more than many times.But it was the rooms spinning round that worried me.I dared not open my eyes or lift my head.It seems my hearing and balance problems this week has caused the sickness,now at 12-00 all is well.Very strange.
A mild day here chez Casa Reynard, with a string of torrential showers moving through.

I slept well and my head is in a much better place this morning. In any case, matters are out of my hands until we get a report from the vet on what that lump on her leg is. And as there's absolutely nothing I can do about that right now, there's no point getting stressed. I have the time to let my mind catch up and work things through, because the last week has been an emotional rollercoaster.

Mum wants me to back out of the agreement to take this cat on - which admittedly I'm well entitled to do, but I've decided to at least give her current owners the courtesy of waiting for the results of the biopsy. And of course, she will need veterinary treatment, the extent of which will be determined by what they find.

Her current owners had thought of letting me take her on-the-spot last week before changing their minds. Just as well that didn't happen, because then I'd now be the one who is up sh*t creek.

All the "new cat stuff" has been put away, and now it is time for luncheon.


A mild day here chez Casa Reynard, with a string of torrential showers moving through.

I slept well and my head is in a much better place this morning. In any case, matters are out of my hands until we get a report from the vet on what that lump on her leg is. And as there's absolutely nothing I can do about that right now, there's no point getting stressed. I have the time to let my mind catch up and work things through, because the last week has been an emotional rollercoaster.

Mum wants me to back out of the agreement to take this cat on - which admittedly I'm well entitled to do, but I've decided to at least give her current owners the courtesy of waiting for the results of the biopsy. And of course, she will need veterinary treatment, the extent of which will be determined by what they find.

Her current owners had thought of letting me take her on-the-spot last week before changing their minds. Just as well that didn't happen, because then I'd now be the one who is up sh*t creek.

All the "new cat stuff" has been put away, and now it is time for luncheon.

Its the week for problematic cats


Legendary Member
A wander around my favourite second-hand booksellers and emporium of all sorts of weird and wonderful things has yielded a new bike for my collection. I'll give it a clean and tidy up and it can live on top of the sideboard.

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