Mundane News

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A grey and noticeably more chilly day here chez Casa Reynard than it has been of late.

Did not sleep well again. A combo of the achy, bloated grumpies and wondering whether I've made the right decision regarding this cat. I think I have, but there's always that element of doubt... Anyways, had a lovely morning walking around the local playing fields with a friend and her two dogs. It was muddy, but not quite as squelchy as one might have thought given the overnight deluge.

This afternoon I shall have to pop into town to pick up a spare litter tray so that Lexi has access to "facilities" during the night. And I also need to squeeze some stuff in the freezer, as I'll be going to pick up the new suPURRvisor tomorrow, and so assorted cooking plans have been kiboshed somewhat.

Now that the wind has dropped and changed direction, internet seems to be stable again.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon, and someone wants their ham...


I've booked a day off today as I had a dentist appointment and a doctor's appointment later on..
The dentist has now gone private and was shocked by the cost of a simple filling compared to when it was NHS. £150!!!!! was fleeced from my poor old wallet 😲
I hope my blood pressure drops before my next appointment at the doctors today🤣.
On a positive note I found a very nice Suntour Cyclone m 11 rear derailleur and a simplex front derailleur for my retro 80s bike to replace the out of place modern Shimano stuff that's on it for the grand price of £15..
I've been sat in the back garden giving them a good clean and they've come up a treat and well pleased with the results..


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Got a walk in mostly sunshine and looking out from the path a ferry happened to be passing. The “ fog “ on the photo is a snow shower just passed over.
Then an unusual sight for this time of year is a yacht heading north under power as well as a small fishing boat heading for Loch Sunart.



£150 for a filling a piggin £150 i would want a pie with that filling also.What the hell is going wrong with the Nhs.


Chilly start saw the car taken to the local tyre centre then a walk home via Aldi.

Tyre place phoned to say it was fixable so repaired car retrieved just after midday.

Warmed up a touch and the sun out so the ebike had a lets pick up what was missing last time shopping trip to Sainsbury's, with a slight diversion of 4 miles in the completely wrong direction to acquire pub J quickly followed by K and L. The showground event centre had trade only Ice Cream show, I presume that would be largely manufacturing equipment. 16.7 miles
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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Mrs P does not let me go shopping,i always find someone to talk to,and i have the trolley and i don't keep up.She has actually put our stuff in other trollies cos i was not behind her.Anyway what i meant to say how popular Aldi is and great prices.

I like Aldi as well. Also takes me a while. Run in to people from the photography business, co-workers, and parishioners, small stores but everyone you know is there. And I get mistaken for a fellow named Farkas a lot. Just at Aldis. He must be a habitue.


£150 for a filling a piggin £150 i would want a pie with that filling also.What the hell is going wrong with the Nhs.

Having not long ago had a 2 fillings which are a band 2 treatment (Which covers most common treatments) the NHS coast is £70.70.
One filling would be same cost. The fact that privately one costs £150 show how underfunded NHS dentistry is.
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