Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I probably have the equivalent thereof, if you add in all the leaf tea here as well.

Sante, wij drinker meij! :cuppa:

I just came from Meijers. Buying prune juice.
Morning .
It is dark out .
I didn't have a very good day yesterday. It started off with me breaking my mug. The ride with my friends didn't start off very well either when as I moved off I hit a bump and my handlebars loosened and my wheel spun round and I hit the deck. I straightened the bars and tightened the expander bolt. The ride went well, we stopped off halfway round for tea and cakes and a chat before setting off on the return journey. It was as we were nearing home climbing up a railway bridge when my gear cable slipped out of its clamp leaving climbing up the slope in top gear. I stopped and borrowed an Allen key and refitted the cable . I rode back in 3rd gear. I sorted things out when I got back home.


Itching to get back on my bike's
First cuppa went down well
Getting lighter outside
Happy birthday to @Pat "5mph"

I was shocked to hear that the Julian House charity cycle shop in Trowbridge is closing! I have bought a bike and a frame and some cycle parts there in the past. It was on our route from the car park to the shops so I would often look in there. They used to have some good bikes . There won't be much need for me to go to Trowbridge any more !
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