Mundane News

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i know i live in a touristy place but some of the restaurant prices nark me off

i wish they cooked them once for £2 :laugh:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wind and rain just as forecast.
I managed to get out on the trike once in the last month and according to forecast there may be a day next week when it is not pouring rain so may get another day before I seize up completely.
Went out to have a natter with Michelle in the Calmac office regarding some of their recent emails to me.
What on earth is a Standby Booking? She had never heard of such a thing but checked my booking on line which shows up as normal. If I do take up this booking she will print out tickets for me but often the printed version does not accord with the online PDF they send out as they do not scan in my experience. Their hand held machine fails to recognise them.
No explanation but apparently Blue Badge ticket concessions cause a lot of problems.
Went also to deal with the card payment fuel machine which was designed by a sadist. It is difficult to hit the correct keys to give all sorts of details including pin no.
Nearly £60 diesel so the car tank is now full. I prefer to keep it well up in case of suddenly needing to have a longish run to mainland via the Fishnish ferry.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I wonder if my soup would heat up quicker if I switched on the right ring on the job. 🤔 :banghead:

I've just about mastered that one, it's remembering to turn it off that seems harder to learn.


I will be in bed early tonight folks.I have felt awful all day.Funny that after going out to a different cafe yesterday as my idea of mixing again.So fatigue,upset stomach,runs,lethargic and general fedupness.Plus cold so cold.So don't get up to anything you might regret tomorrow,night all.


Legendary Member
My brain is fried after today at work. Apart from two short stops to make coffee and one to release what I'd drunk, I didn't stop all day. Thankfully there was cake sustenance as I'd stopped at Morrisons on the way in for treats as I'm off next week when it's my cake day.

A failed overnight update to a national computer system plus another minor change caused complete chaos nationwide affecting ferry freight traffic from the EU (Dover must have been hell). Because we are at the Port dealing with the traffic on behalf of HMRC (who's problem it was) it fell to us to sort out all the queries from the trade and try to get evrything cleared- especially the fresh produce. It was not fun watching the email inbox continually filling as the requets for help came in. Just non-stop on top of all the routine stuff and being a couple of people short.
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