Mundane News

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Legendary Member
In better mundane news the day got off to a great start when an owl glided alongside me for a couple of hundred yards on the early part of the commute. A clear and sunny day for a change - or at least the short bits of it that I saw when not looking at a computer screen or keyboard - and still light when I got home.

Even better is that I'm now off until the 13th February and after that there's only 9 more attendances to go :wahhey:


Legendary Member
My weather station thingy has given up so need to get a new one just for interest really.
It's odd how you miss these when they stop working. I only had a basic one but the outdoor remote temperature sensor stopped working and it was only then that I realised how much I relied on it for clothing & bike choice for the morning cycle commute - especially in the darker & potentially icy winter months. Much happier when my sister got me a new one for C*****mas.


Legendary Member
new tyres time for the gravel bike ... no way i'm starting a thread for that one. :eek: 35c's and leaning towards gravelkings for some reason?

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Schwalbes with tan walls?
It's been a lovely day here - cool but bright, and a fabby sunset on the way home.

Unfortunately the interview for a suPURRvisor did not go to plan, as the interviewer flatly refused to come out of her cat house and introduce herself. She was a very pretty girl (her current Human did winkle her out eventually), but sadly is too timid to fit in here - Madam Lexi would have her for breakfast.

But the friend who came with me is thinking of homing her instead, so it wasn't a wasted journey. I have absolved myself of any culpability in this matter. :whistle:

We did however, have lots of other cat cuddles and doggy cuddles (the Human had several Westies) and played fetch with the doggos. My lasting impression of Westies are little barrels on legs with not much steering and even less in the way of brakes. They *were* fun though. TBH, there are far less fun ways of spending an afternoon.

Turkey & chickpea Madras with rice and green chilli sauce for supper. Now chilling by the fire listening to the footy.
Wolves v Man U must have kicked off late?

Just nicked it... 4-3 phew!
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