Mundane News

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Oh, and the rail strike finished early. Apparently the union and Deutsche Bahn came to an agreement, so trains are running past my workshop every couple of minutes again.
Good morning.

I have to ride to the butcher and pick up the cafe's order today.


Order collected.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Just noticed this morning that I am a legend in my own lifetime. :ohmy:

Forecast is for a dry day but cold. It is still overcast so wait till nearer the middle of the day before deciding what to do.
Yesterday a large bit of tree fell on a train just outside Oban and broke one of the windows. They continued into the station but the return trip had to be cancelled.
Whoever does the Calmac text messaging service just now seems unable to keep their fingers off the keys. All sorts of useless information gets churned out which starts at 0530 telling us there is a single vessel service which anybody who subscribes to this service already knows. Admittedly some may have joined since yesterday but that is probably because they already know the basics and just want confirmation every couple of hours.


Wet dog walk though sounds like we got back just in time. It’s now throwing it down I need to go out early too. Have to see if it stops.

Been chucking down here since the early hours; the noise of the rain woke me.
Last evenings loaf cut; decided I am definitely not impressed with the new wooden bread cutting guide I bought before Christmas as it plainly wasn't the old knife leading to thick slices. Seems the guide has a choice of thick or mammoth sized slices.
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