Mundane News

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It looks like a brighter day today with not so much grey cloud around.
I did a 12 mile ride yesterday afternoon. It was mainly grey , not cold and eventually the sun started to come through.
I have been having a go on my clarinet the past few days. My wife says that I'm a terrible student. I can't stand certain tunes so I ignore those. I have moved on from Oh Claire de la Martin Clunes or my version of it . I thought I would try" Oh Come all Ye Faithful! ". I know how it should sound so it should give me a guide if the noises I'm making are somewhere near to what they should be . I get a few squats at times and my fingers want to do the wrong notes as well. I suppose it's the muscle memory which comes into play. I think I may have to enlarge the music sheet as well as I find it difficult to follow the notes and my plan for finger position. My wife can recognise what I am trying to play which is a bit of an incentive.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Lovely clear skies
Frosty start the big bird watch day so far 1 pigeon and 1 magpie have actually been seen in the garden , bird feeders have been topped up ready.
Another pigeon has just landed on the garage roof and is debating where to go next ....
Looks like a sparrow is working it's way through the pyracantha bush to the feeder underneath the bush .
First cuppa is brewing
Yesterday has been and gone.....
Good morning.

I forgot to make the bed.

Back in a minute...

Bed made. I also pulled the shutters up. Wonderful things shutters: I can leave mine half down and open the window to air the apartment without everyone on the street seeing inside.

I bought a new kettle.

Hang on, you can't get us all excited and then not post a picture...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Looks calm from my bedroom window overlooking Loch Etive but on the open sea it is a bit different as high sided vehicles are only carried on a sailing by sailing basis and in any case all sailings are on amber.
Strange there is no mention on FB this morning about the mince 'n tatties championship held annually in the Mishnish Hotel in Tobermory. Mebbe they all had too much mince or something and have not wakened up yet.
Being in somebody else's house can get confusing. Terrible fight with the new cooker to boil some eggs. I had to wait until they wakened and appeared before I could even turn the thing on and no idea who thought it a good idea to have the microwave at head height.
They also have a fairly compact air fryer which seems to make reasonable cheese on toast. I feel my own kitchen could benefit from such an addition so must give myself enough time before heading home next week to investigate Argos.
I have a similar problem to @Raynard with white roses. Too big and the wind blows them away and real ones get eaten by deer. I get artificial ones which seem to come from China by mail order as they eventually get a yellowish tinge.


Gravitationally challenged member
Yesterday I was watching the local auction on live feed when at least three Redpolls appeared in the garden, so we decided to start the RSPB birdwatch on a high. This meant I missed the excitement when a Royal Mint Her Majesty one Kilo gold coin failed to reach its estimate of £40,000 to £50,000, but still sold, at a hammer price of £39,000. Cheapskate bidders!


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where the first coffee of the day has only just been finished as I couldn't be bothered to get up any earlier to make it. It's a bit chilly and the early morning sunshine has been replaced by clouds.

What remains of the morning will be mostly spent doing a bit of bike chain cleaning & lubing and that will be followed by an afternoon walk.


Hong Kong
Hang on, you can't get us all excited and then not post a picture...

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