Mundane News

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It's been a mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, not warm, but not quite as cold as yesterday thanks to the absence of that very brisk north-westerly.

Slept really well. Went into town mid-morning as I needed to buy milk, bread and some fruit. As well as a nice bunch of white roses for Monday. Could I find white roses? Would've been easier to find a needle in a bloody haystack!

Tesco had none. They were almost out of flowers bar the expensive and ostentatious bouquets. None on the market - the flower stall there was almost sold out of cut blooms bar chrysanthemums, these weird spiky things with diddy little pink flowers and something else that looks like roses but aren't. The florist at the top of Fore Hill had no roses at all either. Sainsbury's only had pink roses left. Aldi had one miniscule bunch of white ones, but they weren't worth 50p never mind the £2.99 asking price... I'd be mightily embarrassed putting garbage like that on Paul's grave, they really were that awful.

Fortunately, Waitrose to the rescue. One bunch in the reductions in their main flower display unit in the foyer, but they looked like they wouldn't last terribly well. Though I'd have bought them if there was nothing else to save me an extra trip into town tomorrow, but Lady Luck smiled down on me as a secondary flower display unit next to the self-service tills had one solitary large bunch in suitable nick. These were duly purchased. I do have to admit, they were a little more expensive than the ones that I normally buy from Tesco, but the blooms are noticeably bigger.

As a result of all the stupid running around - literally, I had left the car in the Bray's Lane car park - I only got back home after 3pm. Had a late luncheon of a roast lamb sandwich, an apple, a tangerine and two :cuppa: and other than topping up the wood bins in the house, I have done diddly squat. I will need to sort out the card to go with the flowers, but that won't take too long. Will do that later this evening after I watch MOTD.

Aaaaaand breathe...


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Done some executor stuff today (not executing). One building society wants to see ID but it has to be in person.

Great.. only I've to travel a huge distance just to show them my passport/driving licence and a bank statement as they're a piddling little one miles away and stuck in the 1970's. Why can't they use digital ID and signatures like most places?


Just back from a grand day in Ely, celebrating our Molly side's forty year 'life'.
All the dance sides invited; eighteen from all over, plus 'support crews' and spectators; about 150 or so of us, assembled at a certain pub for 10.30h. This was by pre agreed arrangement with said pub.
However, when we got there, all they had to offer was alcohol, tea, coffee, the only food on offer was crisps or slices of a poncy looking cake - !
As observed by many of us, what a lost opportunity - ! It would have only taken a little forethought and extra effort to have available bacon rolls, hot sausage rolls plus a vegetarian option and they would have taken several hundred more in the till that day. :okay:
When I questioned one of the staff about this, his excuse was that the chefs weren't in - ! :eek:
Yer 'avin' a larf son - ! :dry:


Leg End Member
Done some executor stuff today (not executing). One building society wants to see ID but it has to be in person.

Great.. only I've to travel a huge distance just to show them my passport/driving licence and a bank statement as they're a piddling little one miles away and stuck in the 1970's. Why can't they use digital ID and signatures like most places?
Its a system in place to protect the banks/building societies more than yourself.
If you've already provided written evidence, and your signature on paperwork, they'll continue to use the human eye to compare the handwriting. Maybe even overlaying one on the other and seeing if they match.

I've used a small lightbox with two sheets of paper on top to check the signature.
Soup and cheese toastie for supper.
Just back from a grand day in Ely, celebrating our Molly side's forty year 'life'.
All the dance sides invited; eighteen from all over, plus 'support crews' and spectators; about 150 or so of us, assembled at a certain pub for 10.30h. This was by pre agreed arrangement with said pub.
However, when we got there, all they had to offer was alcohol, tea, coffee, the only food on offer was crisps or slices of a poncy looking cake - !
As observed by many of us, what a lost opportunity - ! It would have only taken a little forethought and extra effort to have available bacon rolls, hot sausage rolls plus a vegetarian option and they would have taken several hundred more in the till that day. :okay:
When I questioned one of the staff about this, his excuse was that the chefs weren't in - ! :eek:
Yer 'avin' a larf son - ! :dry:

Must've seen you in passing as I tried to find white roses this morning... Which pub, btw? King's Head down Fore Hill? I did see the dancers at the top of the High Street, but I dinnae have time to stop to watch...
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