Mundane News

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:cold: put the washing out more in the hope than expectation that it dries and my fingers were pretty chilled.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Traffic wardens are apparently going around today issuing tickets for pavement parking in Oban. Great indignation from many who have posted so far and parking on both sides necessary so pavement parking is needed to allow free movement of vehicles they say.
On my route to the GP surgery one pavement is almost 100% parked.
Areas like that were built when the majority did not have cars. There was a car park but the council built a new health centre and more houses on it.
I am aware there is a thread on this subject already but I cannot seem to find it in my dotage. If the mods wish please move this post.


Vice Admiral
I have just been out in the garden. Only briefly cos it is rather chilly out there, and I have approx umpty thousand things needing doing indoors.

The Rim Posies and the Helen Bores are now in flower. ^_^

On the subject of "Pharmacy First", I hope they are going to be open on Sundays. Decades ago, one of the Pharmacies was open for a few hours on a Sunday.

Are they going to have access to all our health records from whatever GP or Hospital?
The Patient has had recently had appointments at four different hospitals for his brain tumour.
Traffic wardens are apparently going around today issuing tickets for pavement parking in Oban. Great indignation from many who have posted so far and parking on both sides necessary so pavement parking is needed to allow free movement of vehicles they say.

I'm reminded of the old adage that for those accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


I have just been out in the garden. Only briefly cos it is rather chilly out there, and I have approx umpty thousand things needing doing indoors.

The Rim Posies and the Helen Bores are now in flower. ^_^

On the subject of "Pharmacy First", I hope they are going to be open on Sundays. Decades ago, one of the Pharmacies was open for a few hours on a Sunday.

Are they going to have access to all our health records from whatever GP or Hospital?
The Patient has had recently had appointments at four different hospitals for his brain tumour.

Yes all Pharmacies have access to SystmOne. As for opening time thats down to the licence they have. Most areas will have a local out of hours/emergency/ bank holiday that open a set number of hours. Only one that open long hours are ones on what's called 100 hours contracts. Ie supermarket ones. A labour attempt to open the market up to free forcers, it resulted in massive damage and set the rot in and loss of many high street ones.No new ones have been issued for some time once the penny dropped on the harm they did.


Washed the car resulting in one very pink and cold right hand. Then decided those biscuits on offer in Aldi needed a further triple purchase of and I did need some apples anyway. As the pavement was noticeably puddle free compared to yesterday I risked the unmade path up the hill back - was slightly soft under foot. 2.48 miles and apparently 730 steps
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
When we moved to Mull in 1972 there was an SCWS pharmacy but when that changed to CWS it was closed down and the local GP Dr Bill Clegg originally from Hebden Bridge did his own dispensing from the surgery.
After a few years an independent chemist was persuaded to set up in business and the shop has remained under a variety of owners ever since.
As an aside he had a camper van with rear doors because it could double as an ambulance in emergency. The one ambulance could be 60 miles away from any casualty.
The present pharmacist wants to retire but for some reason unknown to me it seems difficult to get a buyer.
There is now no GP or dispensing in the village of Salen and anyone wanting a doctor or medication has to travel 11 miles to the local hospital with in summer an impossible bus service due to touroid filling every bus to or from Craignure tho’ if you are fit you can walk the one mile to the Craignure pier and get on a bus before the ferry disgorges the hoard for the return journey.
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