Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Youtube started playing silly beggars a couple of weeks ago saying I had to login to google to access it so I duly set up a Gmail account and everything was back to normal however I got a popup saying that google doesn't believe I'm over 18 so are putting restrictions on my searches unless I can verify my age by one of 3 different methods, entering my credit card details, posting photo ID or sending them a 'selfie'

Well I don't have a credit card, nor do I have any photo ID (no passport or driving licence) and no phone to take 'selfies' with so I guess I'm stuck.

No looking at naked women for me. :laugh:

Sounds more like a phishing scheme to me. Why would your credit card details have anything to do with it? A.I. can be used, via these forms of information, to create another "you" which can be used to impersonate you on the web and rob you.
Good morning.

Last night I unblocked the washbasin.


Itching to get back on my bike's
It is still dark outside.
I just saw an advert on the TV for Doritos. Spiced cardboard! I can't stand them ! It got me thinking! I can't stand rice cakes either. Circular expanded polystyrene discs! Yeuk!
Can you think of other food which is tasteless or that should be put in the recycling bin?

Eggs belong in cakes or the bin
I have finished reading another book. It was a bit of a struggle! I had to read some sentences several times to get their meaning. Perhaps that was why it was in a cheap bookshop. The book was interesting and explained what was going on in the North African campaign in WW2. Normally they just talk about Egypt to Algeria but this book explained that it also involved Palestine, Malta, Greece, Crete, and stretched all the way down to the Sudan.
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