Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Youtube started playing silly beggars a couple of weeks ago saying I had to login to google to access it so I duly set up a Gmail account and everything was back to normal however I got a popup saying that google doesn't believe I'm over 18 so are putting restrictions on my searches unless I can verify my age by one of 3 different methods, entering my credit card details, posting photo ID or sending them a 'selfie'

Well I don't have a credit card, nor do I have any photo ID (no passport or driving licence) and no phone to take 'selfies' with so I guess I'm stuck.

No looking at naked women for me. :laugh:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
My granddaughter has just got her NI number as she's 16 soon.
Apparently, her retirement date is 2076. That'll cheer her up when she gets home from school 😂


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Youtube started playing silly beggars a couple of weeks ago saying I had to login to google to access it so I duly set up a Gmail account and everything was back to normal however I got a popup saying that google doesn't believe I'm over 18 so are putting restrictions on my searches unless I can verify my age by one of 3 different methods, entering my credit card details, posting photo ID or sending them a 'selfie'

Well I don't have a credit card, nor do I have any photo ID (no passport or driving licence) and no phone to take 'selfies' with so I guess I'm stuck.

No looking at naked women for me. :laugh:

You are not alone in having trouble with U Tube and Google. :angry:


It's more likely to be a seal somewhere if its just a small leak. If the car doesn't get used a lot, seals will dry out and leak. A lot of the gaskets on an engine are a sort of felt-type stuff, which actually rely on being kept oily to stop the oil from piddling out of joints when the system is under pressure. If it's a rubber gaiter or o-ring, then you need to watch to make sure they don't perish.

Thanks for that, i'm going to do some looking on aygo forums see what issues others have had.
I may not know every thing about cars but know enough to work out what's what. I mean it maybe a 10 plate but low milage ,2 owners from new inc me and full dealership service history. No way is the engine on the way not
Had a lovely luncheon of a rye bagel with lox & a schmear, plus an apple, a tangerine, a quarter of a large avocado and two :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon in the wood picking up deadfall. Filled a whole trailer load, so the parental's happy as she likes to process the smaller stuff. It gets her outside and provides a bit of gentle exercise. The dingle-dangling cherry tree is still dingle-dangling, although it has moved down a tad. Hopefully another good gale or two should loosen it.

Nice to see the winter aconites and snowdrops popping up everywhere.

Now sat down with a :cuppa: and a biskit.
Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.


Legendary Member
A bonus £25 landed in my current account this afternoon from a savings fund which I thought had been closed down last year but still had some residual interest in the system and has now paid out on final closure. This has been used as part payment for a trip out in March when I'm going to have another go at the velodrome taster session at Stratford having really enjoyed the session I did last year.


Legendary Member
We have had no electricity and no hot water since Sunday, due to a dodgy boiler rather than any storm damage. These past few days have been quite joyless, I apparently don't handle being cold very well. But my main learning is that being without heating wasn't too bad but being without hot water was awful! Washing my hair in a cold shower? Unspeakable. I will NEVER take hot water from a tap for granted again in my life.


Itching to get back on my bike's
We have had no electricity and no hot water since Sunday, due to a dodgy boiler rather than any storm damage. These past few days have been quite joyless, I apparently don't handle being cold very well. But my main learning is that being without heating wasn't too bad but being without hot water was awful! Washing my hair in a cold shower? Unspeakable. I will NEVER take hot water from a tap for granted again in my life.
A lot of people only miss things when they are gone or are not working
Lovely supper of sausage rolls and caulisprout cheese. I am well-fed. :hungry:

Other than a rather embarrassing quantity of cheese, all the picky bits (sausage rolls, party canapes, pizzas etc) that I bought over the festive season have now been eaten. Will be a relief to do some proper cooking again, as I've gotten a wee bit lardy. Whoops!
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