Mundane News

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All at sea⛵
It is still dark outside.
I just saw an advert on the TV for Doritos. Spiced cardboard! I can't stand them ! It got me thinking! I can't stand rice cakes either. Circular expanded polystyrene discs! Yeuk!
Can you think of other food which is tasteless or that should be put in the recycling bin?

My new diet regime suggests rice cakes as a suitable replacement for Soreen and Twix.
Who thinks that's going to work?

But I do have to reduce my total sugar intake below 30 gms. Doh!

Fortunately the red wine bottle doesn't list sugar, so I assume it doesn't count. Also it must be one of my 5 a day.
No I don't need to be told either


Legendary Member
It's your constitutional right to count your birds how and when you feel fit and proper.
Don't let them take that away from you.

Just jealous really. We have become a national sparrow reserve. Pass through in gangs of 10 or more.
The blackbird keeps complaining, but they ignore him.
Along with a dozen collated pigeons. They are the blondes if the bird world.

We can beat that, we have at least 70 roosting/nesting in the Ivy up the side of the house. You should hear the racket they make,, easily heard the length of the street mind you the amount of guano that needs sweeping off the path is astronomical


Had something of a surreal day yesterday. The TCV task was clearing the considerable overgrowth of reeds etc. in a largish pond plus hedge trimming, litter picking in an area that had been developed to encourage nature, walkers, twitchers and so on.
Sixty years ago, I was playing rugby at school on the very same area - ! :wacko:


Well at least it's not a NASA matter but looking at some detail this morning the dimensions were a mixture of mm and cm without any mm or cm labelling; you can see how things go pear shaped. And then the WAH connection failed; managed to reconnect and found the letter I drafting still existed.


Vice Admiral
Same here. I was taken to the doctor about this when I was young. The doctor told my folks eggs were not really necessary for my growth and development, and that he could think of a lot worse maladies than an aversion to eggs.

Partly cooked eggs, in things like quiche have in the past made me very unwell. Someone cooked me an omelette once, and I was very ill for several weeks with summat or other enterididies.


Vice Admiral
Had something of a surreal day yesterday. The TCV task was clearing the considerable overgrowth of reeds etc. in a largish pond plus hedge trimming, litter picking in an area that had been developed to encourage nature, walkers, twitchers and so on.
Sixty years ago, I was playing rugby at school on the very same area - ! :wacko:

I felt very old yesterday evening. (Shut up at the back!)

I can remember when the Olympic size swimming pool opened in Coventry in about 1974. It is now in a very delapidated state, after they built another new one. The pool I can remember using is now protected as a Historic Building.

This costs the Council the thick end of half a million pounds a year to protect, as demanded by the Historic Blunders. It must just be a giant eyesore in the city centre. It is not suitable to conversion to anything else.


Vice Admiral
A question for @Reynard or any other people owned by a cat.

Bob and Kizzy like the new cat food, that is mostly shredded tuna. The small tins are expensive, but as there is no waste, and it is easy to recycle the tins, not too bad. Can I give them tuna in spring water in the much larger tins (intended for human consumption)?

I like tuna sandwiches, using tuna in olive oil, but I assume that will be far too salty for cats.


Itching to get back on my bike's
I felt very old yesterday evening. (Shut up at the back!)

I can remember when the Olympic size swimming pool opened in Coventry in about 1974. It is now in a very delapidated state, after they built another new one. The pool I can remember using is now protected as a Historic Building.

This costs the Council the thick end of half a million pounds a year to protect, as demanded by the Historic Blunders. It must just be a giant eyesore in the city centre. It is not suitable to conversion to anything else.

Is that the ones in Fairfax street ?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Poured rain all morning and it has only just now stopped. Stair rods type rain with no wind.
Fortunately I was not driving the 70 mile trip to Vale of Leven for a cystoscopy so was able to look at the scenery which was much more rural than I remember but in the past I was always the driver. Road not too bad despite lots of minor floods apart from the A82 and particularly the bit at the top of Loch Lomond which is very narrow.

I did escape unscathed from the cystoscopy and told nothing there to be concerned about. Told to drink lots of water so will no doubt be spending lots of time heading for the loo.

Need to go and check my bank account to see if my 50p refund from Calmac has appeared. No idea why they are giving me this.


Legendary Member
I felt very old yesterday evening. (Shut up at the back!)

I can remember when the Olympic size swimming pool opened in Coventry in about 1974. It is now in a very delapidated state, after they built another new one. The pool I can remember using is now protected as a Historic Building.

This costs the Council the thick end of half a million pounds a year to protect, as demanded by the Historic Blunders. It must just be a giant eyesore in the city centre. It is not suitable to conversion to anything else.

Leicester built an 'Olympic size' pool only it wasn't, someone dropped a boo-boo and forgot to allow for the tiling so it was 3 inches too short. :ohmy:
Why can't people make a list rather than ringing every couple of minutes with something else they need 😔

Put the AnyList app on both your phones. Share the list. You can both manage it and add items in almost real time - if you have mobile data enabled
You just tick off the items as you buy them. Or find the spare at the back of the cupboard
Saves a lot of terse exchanges and the odd row in our household.

I just don't take my phone.
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