Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Easy breezy ride to t'other side of Hamtun. Getting back, though 🍃💪🦵🍃😂


I had a go at trying to learn how to play my clarinet yesterday . I have a book which has cd's with it to help you learn . I find it goes a bit to quickly for me and jumps on to the next tune before I'm ready. I'm also trying to follow those little tadpole things hanging on telegraph lines. I find that I tend to get out of phase a bit and might not put as many notes in as there should be . How do those people in an orchestra not lean over to the person next to them and ask where they are ? :wacko:

One of our deputy heads at school who also had the odd year group for music inc ours one year. We use to start the lessons using the opening part of My gallant crew, good morning ect from HMS Pinafore. He'd studied at the top music schools in Vienna. He was a master on the piano he was often a few pagers ahead of the music. Our head of music even use to say he was way better than him. He was a good teacher a very kind man, he had a nervous twitch in his eye which totally went when he was playing music.


Car back from the service , needs new brakes so a quick phone round and local garage can do it over £100 cheeper than dealer.
Other thing is wiper blade dealer price £18 , no chance and having looked it over it can wait till the MOT.
Oh and the oil leak we've known about since last year is still nothing to worry about. When Mrs73 questioned it the story changed to it's ok but most likely engine burning oil at some point you need a new car. :eek: Yet the service sheet says small leak , no sign of burning oil, small residue in engine compartment. I need to look into it but no way is it burning oil or on it's last legs.
A brightish, mild and blustery day here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not sleep well, as had one of those too hot, too cold kind of nights, so this girl is feeling a bit grouchy. I did meet up with a friend for a lovely walk around the local playing fields with her dogs. Dogs got a bonio each from Auntie Reynard on completion of said walk - they always know to sit and wait for their post-walk treat, and won't get it until they do their "waggy tails".

Plan on taking the mower and trailer out into the garden this afternoon to gather up the small wood and deadfall that's come down. Looks like Jocelyn has brought down far more bitty stuff than Isha, but either way, I'll be kept in kindling for a good while.

Bin day tomorrow, but not bothering putting anything out. Not enough in the blue wheelie bin or the black bag to want bothering. last week they couldn't empty my green bin as the contents had frozen solid!

It is almost time for luncheon here, and I has a hungry.
Car back from the service , needs new brakes so a quick phone round and local garage can do it over £100 cheeper than dealer.
Other thing is wiper blade dealer price £18 , no chance and having looked it over it can wait till the MOT.
Oh and the oil leak we've known about since last year is still nothing to worry about. When Mrs73 questioned it the story changed to it's ok but most likely engine burning oil at some point you need a new car. :eek: Yet the service sheet says small leak , no sign of burning oil, small residue in engine compartment. I need to look into it but no way is it burning oil or on it's last legs.

It's more likely to be a seal somewhere if its just a small leak. If the car doesn't get used a lot, seals will dry out and leak. A lot of the gaskets on an engine are a sort of felt-type stuff, which actually rely on being kept oily to stop the oil from piddling out of joints when the system is under pressure. If it's a rubber gaiter or o-ring, then you need to watch to make sure they don't perish.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Trip to Oban accomplished and traffic was reasonable. Pedestrians also at pre touroid madness levels so easy getting around.
Did M&S foodhall for a change and had trouble with their card machine which needs a good push to register pin nos. as the touch method did not work.
On then to Lidl where I lost one leg of my specs and on retracing my route round nothing to be found. This was followed by Tesco so my bank account today has had a bit of a shock.
Ferry reported as going to have a try at actually doing something useful like sailing on the crossing to Mull but always a but and perhaps.
This only leaves Aldi which will do probably for fruit and veg before I get the boat home next week.
Coffee time now.
Son has just arrived back from Taiwan and the dog is running around in mad circles of excitement.
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